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Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

21 Jun : 13:24

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Aechmea.jpg Aechmea1.jpg Aechmea2.jpg AechmeaFreiderike.jpg aechmea_distichantha_schlumbergeri.jpg Aechmea_gamosepala.JPG Aechmea_mexicana01.jpg

aechmea_distichantha_schlumbergeri.jpgFamily: Pineapple - Bromeliaceae

Origin: Central and South America, West Indies

Ehmeyata (Aechmea) is a flower - a typical representative of the large genus Bromelievi. Subtropics to come from Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, from places with pronounced dry season. Kin brings together about 150 species, most of which are Epiphyte - grow on host trees, but not infect, but through self-fed roots. Long says it leaves in the rosette were collected, in which so snug each other to form watertight "cup". In nature, the glass is collected in water, the plant lives in a period without rain. By the time the water covered parts of leaves and twigs from the surrounding plants and small insects. Thus, receiving "outstanding" ponds that are home to various plants and creatures.

Blooms the second and third year in the period from May to October. The color is composed of many pink brahtei barbed rabcheta. However, after flowering the plant dies.

This usually happens at 3-4th year by planting them in pots. Then from the higher its center of an elaborate floral inflorescence appears. Flowers themselves are small and nondescript, but are encased in bright bracts, which is due to the blooming privlekatelnosta ehmeya. Bloom lasts for several months. The color of the plant has racemose form and is surrounded by tritsvetnitsi, dotted with thorn rabcheta. Flowering cyclamen pink-and yellow-orange, a cluster itself remains fresh for several months to half a year. To extend the beauty of the cluster, you must solve pretsaftelite colors.

After flowering the parent plant dies gradually. The complete life cycle can continue for many years during which the impressive list will continue to make us happy.

Certain types:
Aechmea fasciata - up to 50 cm high. The leaves are gray-green with transverse silvery spots, barbed surface peaks. Inflorescence appears in summer. It is conical and reaches 15 cm. It is composed of many pink brahtei barbed rabcheta. Of their breasts regularly leave flowers trabesti originally blue, and later pink. Inflorescence in good conditions can be maintained until half a year.

Aechmea fulgens discolor - the leaves are purple on the underside, the colors are bright red and are followed by long fruit

Aechmea chantinii - a big, bright with color and dissolved

Aechmea caudata - branched "chapters" in yellow flowers

Aechmea servitensis - with bright green, thinner and more tender leaves, and the periphery of the peaks with small thorns. Inflorescences are metlovidni - yellow, pink, red. Because of its delicate leaves ehmeya that must be kept completely out of direct sunlight.

Space for cultivation:
It is suitable for large spaces. The plant likes a warm and sunny location. Possibly hold it open during the summer and autumn put it in a room. Grown at moderate temperatures, but not less than 10 * C in winter. Strengths temperature fluctuations should be avoided.

Must be watered with filtered water, otherwise the leaves will appear white spots. In summer often spray the plant with warm water to give him the necessary humidity.

During fueling growth each week with liquid fertilizer. Pretsaftelite colors are removed. In the period of growth requires regular feeding and plenty of watering during the winter in moderate watering.

Temperature at which they feel best, is moderate. In winter, however, must not be lower than 10 degrees. Bromelievite with rigid sheets may be left full sun to protect themselves only by noon. Plants with soft leaves do not tolerate direct sunlight.

During flowering - from May to October - 2 weeks. May occasionally be sprayed with fertilizer. Used for fertilizer or manure bromelii for indoor plants, the dose is recommended for ½ of the other plants.

Not necessarily. The new outlets are planted in loose soil light and best - in a special finger for bromelii.

Propagated by cuttings in summer, a seed planted in spring, with temperatures around 20 C * grow rapidly.
The easiest method for generation of ehmeyata the separation of daughter rosettes. In our climatic conditions the best time is from February to April. Docking sites to sprinkle with crushed charcoal, sulfur or medical order not decayed. Outlets are planted in small shallow pots filled with light soil mixture of peat and sand pine leaflet. Zahlupvat with a jar to maintain high humidity and air at ambient conditions, root for about 2 months.
Especially beautiful young ehmei will appear if you arrange in a single basket, or combine them with other bromelii in bromelievo tree.

- Rapid temperature fluctuations;
- Bright sun lunch.

- Aphids - on top of the list. Damaged leaves turn yellow and die.
- Bromelieva mealy bug - on both sides of leaves. Damaged leaves turn yellow and die.
- Pamukliyka - the plant stops its growth, the leaves gleamed yellow and die. The presence and is a prerequisite for fungal diseases.
- Mite - on both sides of leaves. In damaged leaves appear cobwebs, leaves turn yellow and die.

When required treatment with preparations of the plant against pests should be careful preparation can not remain in jack.

host trees   typical representative   inflorescence   bracts   yellow orange   
Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

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host trees   typical representative   inflorescence   bracts   yellow orange   

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