News Item: : Coprosma
(Category: Decorative leaf)
Posted by gradinar
Sunday 10 August 2008 - 15:38:44

Coprosma-Roys-Red.jpg Coprosma_Painters_Pallette.JPG coprosma_pink_splendor.JPG coprosma-cream-variegated.jpg

Of all kinds during the summer months, small purple flowers appear. Great okrasa sandacheta are for the balcony.
Many years, evergreen ornamental shrubs. Its leaves are pale-colored with a dark stripe in the middle. Some species, however, are pastrolistni with bright purple nuances.

Moderate and watered regularly. In winter, be careful not to dry soil, and occasionally spray the leaves with water. Tori is a dry fertilizer every 4 weeks. Older plants to transplant every second year after the resting period in the spring. Transplanting to garden soil and use the container with drainage.

Love light and sunshine. It is important that the plant during the summer to receive fresh air, but keep it from over there because of prostudyavane possibility. In winter it is sufficient to maintain a temperature of 8 * C.

Propagation: be propagated by cuttings in March when the soil temperature 22-25 * C. Pruning young plants regularly to better branched.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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