News Item: : Miltonia
(Category: Decorative flowering)
Posted by gradinar
Thursday 04 September 2008 - 18:19:57

175806139wXFnYx_fs.jpg MiltoniaJune.jpg miltoniasecondlove.jpg miltonia_2.jpg miltonia_g.jpg Miltonia_Meadowdale__Pink_Panther_.JPG Miltonia_spectabilis_v_moreliana.jpg milt_mbaker.jpg OrchidColmanaraWildcatPerfumeLily.jpg rgh1191185561f.jpg 01.jpg

miltoniq.jpg Home of this beautiful flower miltoniyata Braziliya.Tya is moderately fast growing, under appropriate conditions, moderate sunshine, fresh air and air ezhednemno pulvelizirane neya.Iziskva about daily watering and feeding with a high phosphorous fertilizer content in summer and autumn to promote flowering and zayaknat new shoots before the onset of zimata.Podhodyashti ready for orhidei.Razmnozhava subtrati soil is by dividing the plant.

For many years, producers of orchids miltonii just cold-called or so-called Colombian varieties. Other species, originating mainly from Brazil were ignored. Now this injustice is fine. According to recent classifications, all types so far as we knew miltonii be reclassified in genus Miltoniopsis only Brazilian species have the right and privilege to call miltonii.

Brazilian miltonii include nine species: Miltonia anceps, M. candida, M. clowesii, M. cuneata, M. flavescens, M. kayasimae, M. regnellii, M. russelliana, and M. spectabilis. Until recently, the group were named another 2 types: M. schroederiana and M. warscewiczii, but they are now classified as Oncidium schroederiana and Oncidium fuscatum.

Miltoniite have big, beautiful and durable colors that are considered to be easy to care, but have long been neglected by society. Perhaps the reason is that they are not so attractive as their closest relatives Miltoniopsis - violet orchids. Although everything is very strange almost complete lack of information about the history of these orchids, how, when and under what circumstances were found.
Brazilian species cross readily with most representatives of Brassia.


1500-3000 fc. - Bright, but raseyana lamp with shade in the hottest hours. It is almost constant air movement, especially if the plant is exposed to stronger light. It is possible even in growing conditions that is characteristic of katleya direct sun, but then leaves to become yellowish miltoniyata.

80-85% throughout the year. In natural conditions to maintain a constant high humidity from: rain, winds which blow from the ocean mist and abundant morning dew. Typical is the lack of a real dry period.
At home we need to ensure copious watering in spring and summer while the plants are active. In the fall progressively reduced watering when the new shoots reach maturity and the colors faded. In winter, watering is reduced further, especially if the orchid is growing in a shorter time and lower winter temperatures. However miltoniite must never dry out completely. This can be achieved by periodically spraying the morning light pouring in 2 weeks (the recommended regimen is relative and depends on specific conditions).

Daytime summer temperatures: 24-26 degrees and 18 degrees night. Winter daytime temperatures 20-21 degrees and night 13-14 degrees. It is recommended that the orchid can be grown in temperatures by 2-3 degrees lower than the specified maximum.

Use a balanced fertilizer diluted to 1 / 4 to 1 / 2 of the standard dosage. It is recommended that the application of fertilizer with high phosphorous content in summer and autumn to promote flowering and zayaknat new shoots before the onset of winter.

It is believed that grow best uploads on patches of cork or tree-fern fiber, but then the problem of maintaining high humidity. If miltoniite are uploaded must be watered daily, and in hot and dry weather, several times a day.

Therefore, in most cases miltoniite grown in baskets or pots in a mixture of pine bark (small pieces), tree-fern fiber, perlite, charcoal, ie substrate with rapid drainage, which still retain sufficient moisture. It is desirable to transplant each year, because the substrate due to high moisture begins to fall apart fairly quickly.
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Posted by CVETE

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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