News Item: : Aeschynanthus
(Category: Decorative flowering)
Posted by gradinar
Tuesday 09 September 2008 - 16:29:40

AESCHYNANTHUS3.jpg aeschynanthus_hierdebrandtii[1].jpg B542-0120042.jpg ColumneaApollo1.jpg tnimg0318nt1.jpg

aeschynanthus.jpgKnown are his hundreds of variations. The most popular varieties on the market are Mona Lisa, Purple Star and Topaz.

Unfortunately Aecshynanthus difficult to otglzheda at ambient conditions. One year can flourish and the next does not appear any color. Its creeping stems with leather leaf and red colors stand out best in a hanging basket or hanging pot. The main requirements for annual tsaftezhmezhdu June and September are humid air in summer and winter resting at 13-18 º C. Once finished flowering stems if they start to grow down, immediately cut part of them, the plant will be retained if you hold the light in winter.

Eshinantusa is the homeland of tropical Southeast Asia. It is a flowering evergreen in beautiful bright red, or yellow-orange colors that are pleasing contrast with dark green, smooth with regular shape and fleshy leaves.

In spring and summer at the ends of the branches grow grozdcheta of colored tubing with nasitenocherveni chashelistcheta.

Unfortunately, the rule applies here, the more beautiful, more difficult for cultivation. To blossom (usually summer) your eshinantus must ensure its tropical climate - lots of heat and moisture. Temperature fluctuations in fall colors. Maintain a temperature of 18-20 C.

In summer you can put on the sun terraces and balconies where Pinned pots are very beautiful with outstanding color and loaded with trunks.

Keep the central "vase" of the flower filled with water, use rainwater. Water regularly with filtered water. Regular spraying leaves, also with soft water, because otherwise the spots will appear on its leaves. Not prepolivayte!

Fertilize twice monthly with liquid fertilizer through the leaves.

Transplant is spring. Its soil should be rich in humus with good drainage properties.

Eshinantusat often attacked by lice and mined puhesta moths.

Temperature: moderately warm or warmer in summer, keep a cool winter-minimum 13 º C.

Light: bright, avoid direct sunlight.

Water: Water thoroughly from spring to autumn and winter sparing, use lukewarm water.

Humidity: often leaves trituration, especially in hot days.

Replanting: spring, every 2 - 3 years

Propagation: petsantimetrovi propagated by cuttings in May or June, which strike for 3 weeks in a mixture of peat and sand or substrate for azalea without limestone. It is in a pot can be planted from 3 to 5 Resnick.

Crop tips stimulates growth of side branches.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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