News Item: : Pelargonium
(Category: Balcony flowers)
Posted by gradinar
Wednesday 10 September 2008 - 12:28:06

pelargonium-peltatum.jpg Pelargonium_peltatum_3.jpg Pelargonium_zonale.jpg

pelargonium_flower.jpgMushkatoto kind perennials arising from South Africa. The Latin name comes from the town πελαργός (pelargos) - "Stork" because of the similarity between the shape of the inflorescence and the head of a stork. Bulgarian name "geranium" is related to the homeliness of the flower which, wherever it "mushnesh, easily retained.

It is a perennial, shrub and rose to 50-80 cm high. Young shoots are fleshy and downy and old - stiff. The leaves have a reniform shape and long handles. The colors are gathered in cluster 20 together and also have long handles. Have a variety of colors from white to raspberry in all shades.

The genus comprises over 400 species, including many hybrids. The varieties are grouped into several main groups:

* Zonal - Pelargonium zonale, these are the most horticultural species;
* Large-flowered English - Pelargonium regale, called. Royal species, and domestic;
* Ampelni - Pelargonium peltatum, pending, or so-called species. sakazcheta;
* Pelargonium (also "aromatic" or "pastrolistni") - (Pelargonium graveolens), used in perfumery because of its flavor;
* Succulent - Pelargonium cucullatum.

In his homeland - the countries in the South African coast, our ancestor, modern hanging peg "grows as a small shrub with straggling branches keeled, thyroid, low pile, fleshy leaves and flowers rozovocherveni. At the beginning of this century by crossing it with other wild species appeared selections as purple Galileo and pink "Rose Queen", which is still cultivated. is currently pending and offered to poke poluvisyashti kichechesti, polukichesti or simple flowers, some of which c fleshy leaves. step group are pending varieties. These are poked with a simple, but numerous flowers that are self-cleaning.

Known varieties are:
- "City of Paris, pink, simple, hanging stems up to 1.5 meters long, step-grandparent of the outstanding varieties.

- 'Fiery Cascade, fiery, simple, hanging stems, 1.5 meters long, weatherproof.

- Amethyst, dark purple, polukichest, short hanging stems.

- "Sugar Baby, light pink amateur variety, small decoration colors pending, low, low sensitivity to rain.

- "Mexican, white with red edge, large color decoration, hanging, and grows in polusyanka.

- "Beauty of Grenchen, vermilion, polukichesto, poluvisyashto, weathertight, strong, easily reproduced.

- Solidor "nezhnorozovo with dark eye, pending buhlato, weathertight.

- Tavira, ruddy, big fleecy flowers, grows slowly, very resistant to weathering. Novelty pending poke that reproduce by seed, as the F-hybrid "Summer shauars different colors.

In ornamental horticulture is grown mainly species Pelargonium zonale, which now has so many varieties and forms that many do not even have a name.

Flowering period: April to October. If you keep them warm and bright during the winter will enjoy a hearty flowering and then.

Origin: South Africa.

Msstorastene: Sunny to polusenchesto.

Subrtrat: Optimal finger glinestohumusna garden soil. According to many experts the best substrate is derived from 3 parts garden soil, 2 parts sand and 1 part ugnil manure. In all cases sebstrata must have very good drainage properties.

Planting: Buy ready-made or grown alone (-> Generation) young plants are planted at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other.

Irrigation, fertilization: In the period of growth is watered thoroughly, but to prevent water retention. By the end of August natoryava each week.

Other care: Pretsaftelite flowers are removed regularly (in varieties that are not clean themselves).

Winter: Do not stow with wet leaves. Removed before harvesting wilted and yellowed leaves, shoots too long to reduce. Leave the light at 5 ° C. Galeria outstanding varieties better as winter cuttings. Watered from time to time. In February to cut up to 2-4 cranks of green stem and planted in new soil.

Pests, Diseases: aphids, mites, white flies, gray rot, wilt mushkatovo.

Propagation: propagated through stem cuttings in September, leaving it to pozasahnat for several hours and then stick in deeper vessels with rich humus soil mixed with sand or perlite. So stecklings winter in moderately warm room. In March of each plant is planted in a pot No 10-11, which sprout and then transplant to a permanent place.
In the spring before transplanting, the old plants are circumcised well as shortening the side branches.

Very beautiful look as rosy hanging peg to kardinalovochervenite Zonal varieties or hybrids Peltafum-purple to white-standing peg. In any case, do at least one penzirane spring and planted by 5 sandacheta plants from 50 cm

Profuse flowering reduces watering! Top young parts and stiff stems usually do not strike.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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