News Item: : What you should know about vegetative propagation
(Category: Other)
Posted by gradinar
Thursday 13 November 2008 - 12:50:59

What you should know about vegetative propagation?! In many plants this is the - best way for a relatively short time to get copies of the maternal plant. Propagation is by division of a plant or parts that are placed in water, soil or other substrate. Vegetative propagation is recommended for shrubs, subshrubs, perennial herbaceous plants, flower bulbs, grasses. Should be used only parts of healthy plants.

Propagation by division.
Is divided into plants that tiller, forming tufts or shoots, or fill the container in which they are planted. Transplant plants in spring, root tufts are having to loosen your fingers and are separated by shaking. Strong intertwining roots are cut with a sharp knife. Each part must have different roots. Damaged roots and cut to dizenfektsirat powder of charcoal.

Propagation through subsidiaries rosettes
Daughter rosettes separated from the mother plant when they become large enough and have their own roots.

Propagation through subsidiaries bulbs
After defoliation, to dig up the bulbs, corms subsidiaries are separate and together with the other stored in a dry place. Planted in September - October.

Propagation by cuttings
Resnick is separate from the parent plant, which is developing a new plant.
Best · cuttings - cut from annual shoots without color. The name itself - the peak means that cutting must be cut from the top of rastenieto.V depending on the season in which they cut are: spring, summer or autumn. Most - it's easy to strike the spring, but most - easily decay. Na1/2sm be cut. knee on a piece by cutting should be a long 5 - 10 cm. and have 2 - 4 leaves.

Lower leaves are removed.
· Stem cuttings - are distinguished from the peaks in that are not tipped. Cut from the middle and bottom of the stem. Said to peak cuttings, apply to them.
· Cuttings - cut off from the young, but receive the cuttings in late autumn and spring. Should have a thickness of a pencil and a length of 10 - 30 centimeters .. Withdraw the leaves as the bottom is cut obliquely and the top equal to vary with the planting. Each slip should have at least one eye on top. Jab separately inclined at a depth of 3 / 4 of their length. May be buried in bundles rovnik in the land to be planted and spring.
· Root cuttings - make it through the late fall of fleshy roots and shrubs. Grants for one root thickness of a pencil and cut near the base. Then cut into pieces with a length of about 4 cm. . The pieces are cut obliquely at the bottom and equal on top. Place in a substrate with obliquely cut end so that the cut is on a par with the substrate. Place in a mixture of clay, peat and sand. Winter of pale, cold, but nemrazovito place and planted in the spring.

Division of tubers
Done successfully only if the tubers are big and strong. The division is made in the spring. Each individual piece must have at least one eye on the emergence. Cut sites are disinfected with charcoal dust. First tubers for propagation sandache placed in a moist peat, with the concave part facing upwards. Cover with a small substrate. Leave in a warm and bright. When buds appear germs, each tuber is cut with a sterile knife into pieces with one bud. Leave several hours to dry the edges of the cut. The pieces are individually placed in pots and leave a bright and warm place. In - the latest tips of young plants can be removed.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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