News Item: : Asplenium
(Category: Fern)
Posted by gradinar
Saturday 28 February 2009 - 15:00:50

5487a.jpg aspleniumnidusplicatum.jpg asplenium_nidus1.jpg asplenium_resiliens.jpg Asplenium_x_kenzoi.JPG FougerescolopendreAsplenium_scolopendrium.jpg Pscolopendrium.jpg spleenwort2-011908.jpg

asplenium_nidus.jpgAspleniumite family are beautiful ferns, widely distributed in tropical forests of Africa, Asia and Australia. Known are about 600-650 species.

Unlike most of the leaves of ferns that are whole and form a funnel. In nature as epifitno plant grows and reaches huge proportions. In its nesting birds funnel where idzha names and one of its "cluster fern.
ROOM for cultivation are used mostly tropical species.

Some species:
Asplenium viviparum Presl. - From Mauritius. Born babies miniature plants on their leaves. When they become large enough to be able to be handled, they are cut together with a piece of leaf and mother are planted in small saksiyka as leaf remains slightly below the soil surface. Soon the plant launches own roots.

Asplenium bulbiferum Forst. - From Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia. There is a strong cut, falling leaves, which have knobby spores that resemble grudchitsi (bulbiferum - forming tubers - Latin). They are used for breeding.

Asplenium australasicum (J. Sm.) Hook. - South Asia, homeland - Australia, Polynesia. Epifiten.

Asplenium nidus - "bird's nest" (nidus - a nest - in Latin) - originates from tropical humid regions of India and Australia, where it grows as an epiphyte. There is broad objectives, slightly wavy leaves the periphery, forming rosette. Underlying them are light brown streaks, the surface is shiny, bright green. The plant reaches up to 1 m in height. Sustainable f.

Asplenium dimorphum - with very fine twigs and leaves

Irrigation: Soil should be slightly moist at all times. For irrigation use only megka water. It is recommended that rainwater.

Air humidity: Well it reflects splashed on the leaves. To develop a better place mat with water and small stones.

Replanting: Soil mix for young plants consists of a leaflet burnt manure, peat and sand (2:2:1:1). Mature plants in a mixture of replanting chimovka, leaflet, burnt manure, peat and sand in the ratio 2:3:3:1:1. Add to it sfagnov moss and charcoal. Need is good drainage of pebbles or charcoal in the bottom of the pot.

Pests: Scale insects.

Fertilizing: Spring, Summer - 2 weeks, but with half the recommended dose!

Location: enough light, away from direct sun spot. Winter they need a temperature not lower than 15 ° C.

Reproduction: Only through sport. Are not recommended for home reproduction. Dividing the rhizome.

- If the color of the leaves fade and they have lost luster, the cause is direct sunlight or inadequate feeding;
- If the leaves are opaque and "lifeless" - soil drought, low air humidity or poor ventilation;
- If the leaves gleamed yellow and drop off at the base - dry soil or low air humidity;
- If the tips of the leaves appear dry brown spots - too low temperatures;
- If the tips of the leaves appear black spots and the leaves wilt and shrivel - too high temperatures.

- Mealy bug, sprayed with aktelik (15-20 drops to 1 liter of water)
- Mites - if too dry air.

Aspleniumat not tolerate spraying with chemical agents. If this is particularly necessary when the plant is sprayed, waited to dry and well-poured with hot water.

- Prepolivane - rotting of the roots;
- Reclamation;
- Direct sunlight;
- Too low temperatures;
- Too high temperatures.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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