News Item: : Manilkara Zapota
(Category: Exotic fruits and vegetables)
Posted by gradinar
Sunday 08 March 2009 - 14:56:04

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4baec5db444876b64d259.jpgSapodilata potato or wood (Manilkara Sapota) is a beautiful evergreen tree with dense crown and upright bole smooth. Sapotovite belong to - family Sapotaceae. It is very slow growing rarstenie, reaching a height of 18 meters of open spaces and 30 meters in the forest.

Originates from Yucatan peninsula, southern Mexico and parts of northeastern Guatemala. Is grown in Florida, throughout Central America, the island of Cuba, India and Sri Lanka. One reason for the higher prevalence of this plant is that it is very persistent. Withstand some drought and salinization of soil and short frost to minus 3 degrees.

Sapodilata cortex contains up to 20-25% milky juice - chicle, which is the most important natural raw material for chewing gum. Juice is tasteless and harmless, before the transport is thermally processed and poured into molds.

The leaves of this plant are elliptic, dense, thick and shiny, sapodilata fruitful and abundant blooms, such as fruit color and are located at the base of leaf stalks. Individual flowers are small and nondescript, a form of miniature bells. Flowers in May-June and September and gives you two crops of fruit. Fruits are oval or round about the size of oranges and a rough gray-brown surface. Their interior is yellowish, juicy and tender and very sweet, pleasant aroma. One baby weighing 100-170 grams and contains 14% sugar.

In the center of the fruit are 3.4 tsvezdoobrazno flat black seeds, which are easily separated from the fruit flesh. Sapodilata eat only after mature properly, otherwise it contains a milky juice, Granny Smith and is unpleasant to eat. However, fruit is picked almost ripe and then leave for about a week to doozreyat in special repositories. Otherwise, they fall to the ground and burst or eaten by birds. The fruit is harvested in stages and only a hand, because gradually matured into a tree and both can be seen in varying degrees of fruit ripeness. They can not be stored longer and this is why this wonderful fruit can be sold only where it is grown.

Fruit can be eaten raw or they prepare juices, jams, marmalades, compotes, ice cream and others. They give very nice taste to fruit salads and dessert sauces. The seeds are used in the preparation of chocolate.

Connoisseurs of exotic argue that sapodilata taste reminiscent of pear, candied in syrup, molasses.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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