News Item: : Tillandsia
(Category: Orchids and Bromelievi)
Posted by gradinar
Saturday 11 April 2009 - 13:42:27

Tillandsia-Biflora.jpg tillandsia-cyanea.jpg Tillandsia.jpg tillandsiabulbosa.jpg Tillandsia_flabellata.jpg Tillandsia_ionantha_ka4.jpg Tillandsia_streptophylla2(HR).jpg Tillandsia_stricta_1.jpg Tillandsia1.jpg

tillandsia.jpgFamily: Pineapple - Bromeliaceae
Origin: North and South America

Tilandsiite clan to belong to more than 400 species.
Unlike other bromelii, jack tilandsiite are not adapted to collect water. Their leaves are narrow.

The color of the plant to emerge from its middle. He has a pale pink color. At the end of the rosette flower colors and Brilliant Blue. To dissolve it, however, need more humidity.

In most cases, are tilandsiite bromelii weather. There are also some terrestrial species such as Tillandsia cyanea, but all have developed roots. Are gray and green.
- In the wild gray tilandsii most often attached to air roots of trees, rocks and cacti. Water and nutrients entering through the leaves that are whitish-grayish hue.
- Greens tilandsii grow in soil. Rosette formation, clusters - with class double-breasted pink (Tillandsia cyanea - height - 25 cm, flowering from September to January. Blooms are purple).

Highly adsorption hairs, densely located in the leaves absorb moisture from the air and nutrients. In the dry period bristles are filled with air and become black - serve as a barrier to the internal tissues. In humid air, they quickly take on water and push it into the tissue of the plant.

Nap also protect the plant from overheating and drying out, reflecting sunlight.

Colors, as in all Bromelievi are collected in simple or complex clusters - klasovidni, metlovidni, kistovidni with bright bracts.

After flowering mother plant usually dies. With correct care at that time it was able to form new rosettes.

How "fixed" air tilandsii at home:
- Can be glued to a decorative props.
- In a glass container on the bottom - thick layer of gravel, top tilandsiyata. Put water, which does not reach the top layer kamacheta.Ako court has closer throat will get hold of the fumes and something like a mini terrarium.
- Can be placed in moist coconut primer.

Certain types:
Tillandsia caput-medusae - a thick curved leaves, leaving the pear-shaped accessory basis, with blue flowers blossom emerging from red bracts
Tillandsia ionantha - with the sharpened bent silvery leaves - up to 10 cm long; bezstebleni blooms are purple - when they appear, the interior leaves become reddish
Tillandsia usneoides - looks like a Moss - the colors are very short, but the leaves around them change color and thus preserving their long decorative.
Tillandsia argentea
Tillandsia fasiculata
Tillandsia juncea
Tillandsia stricta
Tillandsia tectorum
Tillandsia Cyanea - terrestrial bromine with green leaves, pink and purple flowers bract

- Spring, Summer - to - 21o - 29oS;
- Winter - to - 18o - 21oS as night temperatures is desirable to decrease to 17oS

Instead of watering, the plant is periodically immersed in a container with water (about 20 - 30 min):
- Summer - once in 2 - 3 days;
- Winter - once a week.
The basis of the jack should not stagnates water!

daily, plenty! The basis of the jack should not stagnates water!

High air humidity!
Successfully be grown in terrariums or enclosed indoor fountain with constantly flowing water.

During the plant growth is fueled by fertilizer in large doses is not - the ramp - 1 / 2 of the dose used for other flowers, and Air - 1 / 4.

Replanting - for Earth:
Tillandsia cyanea be planted in a soil mixture consisting of peat, sfagnum (a type of moss), pieces of bark and charcoal (1: 1: 1: 1 / 2). Transplant is once every 2 - 3 years.

- From April to October - a bright, scattered light. Must be protected from direct sunlight during the summer months!
- From November to March - direct sunlight!

Performed by dividing the roots.
After pretsafti old plant gradually dies and it grows a few shoots. Separate them carefully, without injury to the roots.

- If dark spots appear, it means that the decay occurred - are processed with alcohol and is covered with charcoal powder.

- Mites - a prerequisite for their appearance is insufficient humidity.

When required treatment with preparations of the plant against pests should be careful preparation can not remain in jack.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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