News Item: : Ranunculus
(Category: Seasonal herbaceous plants)
Posted by gradinar
Sunday 10 May 2009 - 14:30:25

occidentalis-2.jpg ranunculus.jpg Ranunculus_1.jpg ranunculus_flammula_1304.jpg ranunculus_hydrocharoides.jpg Ranunculus_repens-bgiu.jpg Ranunculus_sardous_-_2.JPG

ranunculus_repens-bgiu.jpgButtercup meets alpiiskata time in the mountains and along lakes, rivers and swamps. Asian buttercup (Ranunculus asiaticus) is the most beautiful of all. There are flowers that look like roses, but are smaller in size.

The Latin genus name comes Pliny the Elder and in translation means "a small compartment, which coincided with his place of flourishing. Some call it "gold buttons" because of bright yellow venchelishcheta. In Bulgaria, he said Buttercup because pepper taste.

Location: Buttercup is grown in a warm, sunny location

Planting: It is to be planted in soil pesachliva in which there is a natural fertilizer. Must have good drainage.

Irrigation: Buttercup pour moderate. If during the summer to see its yellow leaves, limit watering to a minimum.

Feeding: It is during the growth to be fueled with liquid manure.

Generation: Before planting the roots should be stored for several hours in water or be wrapped in damp cloth, placed in a warm place until nabuhnat. Usually it takes 12 to 24 hours. Planting is done in the spring, at 9 to 13 degrees. Distance should be about 10 cm, a depth of about 5 cm If you grow them in winter sandacheta storing them warm.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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