News Item: : Tips for growing Coleus
(Category: Specialist advice)
Posted by gradinar
Friday 02 October 2009 - 12:03:27

coleus.jpg Coleus_1.JPG Coleus_Collection.JPG Coleus_varities.png coleus_2.jpgcoleus_blumei.jpg
Combining all types, but they are over 150 species, is the requirement for light, but in summer the plant must be overshadowing from direct sunlight. Tolerated neotoplena room in winter, but the temperature inside should not fall below 10 degrees. Koprivkite loves water - Water with water, remained at least several hours at room temperature.

Water during the winter in such frequency as to prevent soil in the pot to dry. Once this happens, the leaves wilt quickly and may attack the mites.

Very easy to get Koprivkite by cuttings - they root easily in water was either directly in the soil. Planted them in a mixture of 2 parts garden soil, 1 part peat and 1 part coarse sand.

Feeding in winter once a month and in early spring pinching tips to shape the plant as a small bush.

In a period of active vegetation feeding of 2 weeks, but if you start to be awarded to the turbulent high you can apply the method of trimming, such as lower branches up to about 7 cm

Skillful combination of different color varieties in a beautiful koleusi court may turn it into a rich bouquet and a permanent home.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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