News Item: : Stevia rebaudiana
(Category: Perennial herbaceous plants)
Posted by gradinar
Saturday 07 November 2009 - 18:00:50

In ancient times, when people still did not know sugar, but America was not discovered by Columbus, the Indians of the Guarani tribe used an amazing grass. It was enough water in the container to add a few pieces of paper from her and she became unusually sweet. The Indians called this herb "KAA - exe" which means "sweet grass" or "honey leaf". Haychnoto name of this amazing plant is Stevia rebuadiana. Steva is the motherland of South America. Grow in a temperate humid subtropical climate in Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.
Indians jealously guarded secret of the sweet grass, so far in 1887 it became known to the outside world through South America scholar Antonio Bertone.
Of 300 species only one sweetened.
It turned out that in America almost 300 species grow Steva, but only Steva rebudiana has a sweet taste. Its leaves are 10-15 times sweeter than sugar. The secret of the sweetness that lies in the complex steviozid substance which accumulates in the plant. We steviozidat is the sweetest natural product. In pure form it is 300 times sweeter than sugar, but unlike it has very few calories and increases the level of glucose in the blood, and even has slight antibacterial activity. That is why he is considered an ideal substitute for sugar as in healthy subjects and in diabetes, increased weight, cardiovascular problems and other disorders of metabolism.
Steva is a perennial plant in the wild reaches 60-80 cm in height. Is highly branched, bush, the leaves are simple, the colors - small, white root system is well developed.
He needs a warm sunny place.
Steva plant is south, so it needs more heat and light. The more they get - the more will be sweet. Optimal conditions for development are good sunny spot protected from currents and temperature of 22-28 degrees. Glass-balcony is a good place for the cultivation of sweet grass.
Generally Steva can grow different types of soils, but the best feeling of light, sandy soils with low acid reaction (pH 5.5 -6). In our Steva prezimuva can not, therefore, can be grown only as a ROOM or plant in the garden after the preparation of seedlings.
Steva requires frequent and heavy irrigations. Drought, even small Steva tolerated very difficult, but water retention is also harmful. Feeding is done every 10-15 days.
Numerous studies have shown that the product is safe Steva. Currently, its production and sales are permitted in many countries. Steva not lose their properties and when heated. Therefore, it is used with success not only for tea and sweetener in beverages, but also in home cookery in the production of cakes and cakes. The simplest way of handling Steva is drying. Dried leaves are crushed and received a green powder. 1,5-2 tablespoons can replace 1 cup sugar. The fresh leaves are collected throughout the year from the plant, but most are sweet flower.
This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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