News Item: : Lithops
(Category: Cacti)
Posted by gradinar
Wednesday 30 July 2008 - 11:53:50

1047.jpg 2095.jpg cop139-8.jpg cop52-3.jpg HPIM2251.jpg Lika_aiflr-1.JPG lithops_dish_garden_pic4.jpg Lithops_insularis(85-12-0532-70).jpg Lithops_schwantesii_var_marthae.jpg media_site_imaj_Lithops_olivacea_f.jpg

lithops.jpgPlant is the homeland of South Africa. Most of them are members of extensive family Aizoonovi (Aizoacea) and there were about 123 such "bezstableni sukulenti. In fact, they have tiny trunk, hidden strong pair of 1-5 sheets thick. Vlagozapasyavashta out leaves, photosynthesizing, camouflage sun and function. The upper part is they have one or more "windows" through which sunlight penetrates to the underlying inside photosynthesizing cells. In their homelands living stones are housed around a large stone or rock ledges where water is formed at night condensate. Their form is cylindrical or globe, when it evaporates at least moisture. Like most sukulenti, and the living stones are large central root that penetrates deep into the soil. Special color these plants during a bloom - their relatively large flowers are most often dyed in yellow or pink in all its shades.

From this succulent plant found more than 80 species. Plants are especially interesting with its beautiful surface. Pattern of this surface is different depending on the species. Accustomed to the land plants are kept from drying out by contract. Balls cells really look like pebbles, but look closely connate to open two in length, thick and fleshy leaves, cut in the middle. Their upper part is transparent and absorb light is unhindered. During the summer months appear white and yellow flowers that resemble daisies.

In our climate zone living stones retain their properties Biorhythm. Their active growing season usually starts in August and continues to bloom this winter and should be considered.

In households living stones require special care. Must be accommodated in a place like that throughout the year to shine long in the sun, but also to be ventilated. In winter, the room temperature should be around 10-12 degrees.

The plant is extremely understated. We must remember that at home they almost throughout the year are satisfied with the moisture from fog and dew. So you should watch them and when show replacement leaves them plenty poleem. During the period of growth and flowering is moderate watering - once every 3-4 weeks, but the soil should be slightly moist. Some amateurs do not even bathe, but only in the morning and evening pulverize. During the rest did not pour. If the leaves are slightly wrinkled, not to worry - this is very normal process.

In the spring transplant are living stones. Flowerpots must be relatively small and with good drainage. Soil mixture should be light and permeable - with equal parts good ugnila leaflet and sand. Can be used and prepared mixes for cacti.

From April to September the plant to keep bright and sunny spot near the window. Living stones in winter hibernation sleep and then move the plant to a cooler, but again light and maintain an air temperature around 15 C.

Propagation is by seed and by division of older specimens. Sprout seeds at relatively low temperature - 13-17 degrees. Court of sown seeds are covered with transparent material and kept in the shade. After 2-3 weeks ponitsite be ventilated regularly.

Adults are divided during the spring replanting. With a very sharp knife to cut the plant so that each partition have root tissue. Sawing is covered with medical and sulfur plant. To hold slightly overshadowed the spot. Irrigation started in the right time for that species.

Various types of live stones are too diverse in appearance and color, and this enables the formation of extremely beautiful miniature gardens in pots.

This news item is from Flower Encyclopedia
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