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Lantana camara
Category: Decorative flowering
10 Aug : 23:02
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Family Verbenaceae (Verbenaceae)
Lanthanum (Lantana) is a popular warm temperatures, Mediterranean shrub of the family Verbenaceae. Notorious Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus gives this plant genus name Lantana, which according to scientists, botanists is the old name of Viburnum (snowball). This plant first found in tropical parts of America. Extremely beautiful and fascinating, multi-flowering Lanthanum attracted explorers first sight, but shortly thereafter was widespread in Europe. The genus comprises over 150 tropical and subtropical species. Another name which is known for colorful rozichka Lanthanum is variable. Called because the clusters are composed of many colors and shading are. While it is so beautiful and attractive part of each Lanthanum is poisonous.
In contact with the leaves emit scent of vanilla. It flowers continuously throughout the summer, from May to October. It is interesting that the color is available in two colors. By orange crosses in red, from pink to fiery, from yellow to orange.
Lately often add new colors and can be found pink, orange, red, purple.
Beautiful stand shaped like a high stalk.
Where bloomy, this shrub is not impressed - Lisa his rough and wrinkled, stems - thorn. But in summer it is very spectacular - oval petals dyes change from light yellow to red with the development of tiny flowers. Keep it from greenhouses belokrilka. After the overblown cut stems and part of every 2-3 years grow new specimens.
The genus includes about 150 tropical and subtropical species of which only two are cultivated:
- Lantana samara, which has been transported to England in 1819
- Lantana montevidensis. It reached northern Europe in 1820
From these two came Lantana hybrids samara
They are the result of various crosses in France at the beginning of this century.
Flowering: June to October
Location: The location should be sunny and have direct sun. Most preferably the southeast or southwest exposure.
Soil: Soil for balcony flower, TKS2
Watering: Water regularly from spring to autumn, but in the winter - more scarce.
Humidity: Maintain moderate moisture
Fertilizing: Until August natoryava in 2 weeks
Replanting: transplant is every spring, it is noebhodimo trimming of dry branches and exhausted.
Propagation: By cuttings in spring top after placing shoots.
Diseases and pests: mites, belokrilki
Hibernation: You must prezimuva On light at 5-10 ° C, while maintaining a nearly dry.
Other care: stone fruits are removed early to blossom further
CAUTION: A plant is a poison. Applies to all its parts!
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