Nasturtium is a flower for Health!
Category: Decorative flowering
07 Nov : 15:42
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Nasturtium is one of the most razprostanenite and loved flowers in the garden. This gentle flower, sing our folk songs are called beautiful Bulgarian girls. Growing it in every house bears beauty and health. There are many varieties from South and Central America, which enrich and complement the color of the color concept of the garden.
Accommodated in the garden or in hanging baskets
The most famous of these is most nasturtium (Tropaeolum majum). It is a perennial plant, but in our conditions is grown as a year. The most common forms are compact with a height of about 30-40 cm, and most recently and wrapping a length of the stem up to 2,5 m. They are particularly suitable for terraces and balconies. The colors are simple or decoration, with a pleasant, mild chili flavor, colored in yellow, orange, bright red to brownish-red with yellow or orange cup.
cabbage butterfly cabbage plants gentle flower nitrogen fertilizers mild chili |
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cabbage butterfly cabbage plants gentle flower nitrogen fertilizers mild chili |