Birthdate and Flowers
Category: Flowers and Women
13 Oct : 12:47
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Search your date of birth and the flower, and which complies. For example you are born in the 22-and your flower and is squill.
Clanchogled - generous heart
(1, 10, 19 and 28 of the month)
Character: Naturally you with significant power and influence.
Nice and exciting, you create consensus around you, even in situations that seem dead-end, is always the rescue idea.
Your gifts are so variable that sometimes take the risk to poor roads, at least in the first part of your life.
Love: Listen only generous heart.
You will meet many partners, but none of them hurt you. Minor will attract people. Will be truly satisfied in the second part of your life.
Flowers that are in harmony, are Bozhura, squill and orchids.
Fate: To touch happiness, learn to overcome their shortcomings and flexibility to transform cruelty, lies - in truth and impatience - in patience.
Favorable days: Sunday and Monday.
Numbers that you bring happiness: 1, 11, 16, 19, 22, 25 and 31.
Peony - a thirst for love
(2, 11, 20 and 29)
Personality: You are loyal and stubborn, but rigorous and sometimes headstrong.
Hold much of material goods.
You need to be in contact with nature, because its strength is drawn.
LOVE: To live, need a partner so you both by oxygen. He became the center of your life.
But attention: You have a tendency to view man as your property. You see his life from the harmony, romance and tenderness. While you are young, often change their partners, because you must first understand the difference between the intoxication of love and true love.
Flowers that are in harmony: peony, squill, orchid, poppy, Margarita.
Fate: Will you be happy in the day when you find your own personality and turn misunderstanding in understanding anxiety in courage, kindness in confinement.
Favorable days: Sunday, Monday and Friday.
The numbers that you bring happiness: 1, 4, 7, 18, 27, 33 and 42.
Grahulets (sweet pea) - inconsistent and frivolous
(3, 12, 21 and 30)
Personality: You're very curious, and all you care about.
Love the movement, excitement, change.
She feels bad when they try to put you in the rails, your freedom is the heart.
Charming and cheerful, you are valued company.
LOVE: Your partners always have to invent something new for you intrigued for a long time. Much flirting, but no real roots, no one can be sure of your loyalty.
The flowers, which are in harmony: grahulets, poppy, rose.
Fate: End of gambling and casinos! This passion is dangerous! To find happiness, you should be less superficial and put in order your love life.
Favorable: Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Numbers that you bring happiness: 6, 9, 15, 18, 24, 27.
Orchids - uncompromising
(4, 7, 13, 16, 22, 25 and 31)
Personality: Always ready to help and often put as much as possible deprivation.
So you have sensitive pain of injustice and friction.
Love traveling, because you want to learn more about others.
Careful you are and you need a well-maintained home.
LOVE: Capable to love you deeply and never compromise in a relationship. If you find the man in your life, will stay true and will adjust to him and his needs.
The flowers, which are in harmony: sunflower grahulets.
Fate: Change the properties of your sadness with hilarity, if not, you risk to acquire later physical and mental diseases.
Favorable days: Sunday and Monday.
Numbers that you bring happiness: 12, 20, 21, 29, 30, 40.
Margarita - a fragile soul
(5, 8, 14, 17, 23 and 26)
Personality: You are brave and gifted with great humility. Sometimes you are impatient and lights for the idea that defend with zeal.
Successfully deal with your assigned tasks.
You have few friends, but they are very much correct.
Sometimes very easy to bend.
LOVE: After tough "run" will find the ideal man in the second half of your life.
You will help him and support his projects.
Affection for you is worth more than sex.
The flowers, which are in harmony: squill, peony, poppy, sunflower.
Fate: Tired of difficulties in life, aim for peace.
Can be dedicated to something or someone, but attention!
Do not become slaves kiss, because you risk to malicious than that.
Favorable: Saturday.
Numbers that you bring happiness: 4, 8, 22, 24, 26, 31.
Rose - passion and madness
(6, 9, 15, 18, 24 and 27)
Character: Are the victims, brave and passionate.
Passionately defend his family, hate and injustice are devoted to major works.
Love: While you are young, rush into intrigue, madness because you love to sex.
Lights easily and find it hard to stay faithful. Since you are interested in thousands, is fascinated by the reckless side of small classes in their free time or in large proportion with risk spend less attention to your partner.
The flowers, which are in harmony: grahulets Poppy.
Fate: Replace with reason impulsivity, attraction to the pleasures of devotion, learn to not neglect your partner, otherwise you stalking loneliness some day.
Favorable days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.
Numbers that you bring happiness: 9, 14, 18,24,27,30
Category: Flowers and Women
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favorable days generous heart poor roads material goods peony |