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Lantana camara

Category: Decorative flowering

10 Aug : 23:02

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Lantana-camara--Samantha-.JPG lantana-camara.jpg lantana_camara.jpg Lantana_camara.jpg Lantana_camara1.jpg lantana_camara2.jpg Lantana_camara2.jpg Lantana_camara3.jpg lantana_camara3a.jpg Lantana_camara4.jpg Lantana_camara5.jpg

lantana_camara4.jpgFamily Verbenaceae (Verbenaceae)

Lanthanum (Lantana) is a popular warm temperatures, Mediterranean shrub of the family Verbenaceae. Notorious Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus gives this plant genus name Lantana, which according to scientists, botanists is the old name of Viburnum (snowball). This plant first found in tropical parts of America. Extremely beautiful and fascinating, multi-flowering Lanthanum attracted explorers first sight, but shortly thereafter was widespread in Europe. The genus comprises over 150 tropical and subtropical species. Another name which is known for colorful rozichka Lanthanum is variable. Called because the clusters are composed of many colors and shading are. While it is so beautiful and attractive part of each Lanthanum is poisonous.

In contact with the leaves emit scent of vanilla. It flowers continuously throughout the summer, from May to October. It is interesting that the color is available in two colors. By orange crosses in red, from pink to fiery, from yellow to orange.

Lately often add new colors and can be found pink, orange, red, purple.

Beautiful stand shaped like a high stalk.

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Category: Decorative flowering

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