Nasturtium is a flower for Health!
Category: Decorative flowering
07 Nov : 15:42
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Nasturtium is one of the most razprostanenite and loved flowers in the garden. This gentle flower, sing our folk songs are called beautiful Bulgarian girls. Growing it in every house bears beauty and health. There are many varieties from South and Central America, which enrich and complement the color of the color concept of the garden.
Accommodated in the garden or in hanging baskets
The most famous of these is most nasturtium (Tropaeolum majum). It is a perennial plant, but in our conditions is grown as a year. The most common forms are compact with a height of about 30-40 cm, and most recently and wrapping a length of the stem up to 2,5 m. They are particularly suitable for terraces and balconies. The colors are simple or decoration, with a pleasant, mild chili flavor, colored in yellow, orange, bright red to brownish-red with yellow or orange cup.
And the smallest cold could kill her.
Nasturtium prefers moderately fertile and moist soils. Do not use organic and nitrogen fertilizers, and no Water thoroughly at the time of flowering. Otherwise you risk the colors to be scarce at the expense of growth of the green mass. Nasturtium plants and warm temperatures is difficult to bear even a slight cooling. Is propagated by seed and planted in open ground in March to early April. Samozasyava is abundant and under favorable conditions next year could zatsafti again. The first flowers appeared after about 40-50 days, which will decorate your garden until the autumn-winter cold snap. Nasturtium is suitable as a pot plant. To ensure its maximum good conditions, or select a sunny spot polusenchesto your balcony. Original modern solution for your home is climbing with hanging baskets with different varieties of shades of colors.
Nasturtium is not only beautiful but useful plant. If you planted beds of tomatoes to your vegetable garden, it will drive belokrilki dangerous. Nasturtium will protect and cabbage plants, cabbage butterfly, because it would prefer to lay their eggs. Nasturtium and finds application in folk medicine, which is extremely valuable to their chemical composition. Rich in iodine, potassium, phosphorus, provitamin A and vitamins B1 and B2. Contain vegetable antibiotics and therefore is used in influenza disease and mild upper respiratory tract. Helps in climacteric and depression. Colors have healing properties and leaves, but most of the seed. The leaves are collected from spring to late autumn. Well dried and stored in paper bags. A home of nasturtium - Peru, from ancient times to treat their wounds.
Better-known varieties can be found on the Bulgarian market are:
King, Theodore - with lemon;
Cherry-rose - with malinenorozovi colors;
-God's kravichka - kaysievorozov in color with red spots in the center;
-Alaska - varietal blend of colors with different hues and colorful leaves.
cabbage butterfly cabbage plants gentle flower nitrogen fertilizers mild chili |
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cabbage butterfly cabbage plants gentle flower nitrogen fertilizers mild chili |