Stephanotis floribunda
Category: Decorative flowering
25 Oct : 09:35
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The leaves are evergreen, leather, dark and very thick. They are elongated oval located opposite long to 7.10 cm and 4.5 cm wide with good good care cover small, but strong and durable winding stem. Flowers are relatively large, gathered in the magnificent inflorescences, white, very fragrant. Since the stem is growing very fast, but thin, not necessarily in need of support. Through it can be given different forms of the plant.
Stefanotisat (Stephanotis) is a flower that will not disappoint. Even in a period when not flowering, ornamental stefanotisat enough.
Not suitable for co-cultivation with other crops, as "free to grow into, and requires very clean air. It needs plenty of light but is protected from direct sunlight.
During the summer a generous pour, and in winter much more moderate. After pretsafti, reduce watering, but in cool weather, minimize it, not as dry root. Yellowed leaves are a sign of chlorosis caused by too limewater.
No special requirements, but spraying is welcomed.
Replanting each year. Because the more space is given, the more delicately flowering. In order not to rot the roots, provide good drainage.
Very well reflected in the stronger growth.
Pests and diseases:
In very dry and warm air to invade from Scale vlasesti lice and lice, eradication of which use appropriate insecticides, but the best means to prevent their invasion.
Stefanotisat being propagated by cuttings almost throughout the year, but it is recommended that this be done early spring. For this purpose last year's stems are cut, each cutting should have a pair of leaves. Planted in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1) and at 24-26 degrees after about a month are well rooted. Transplant in small pots in soil consisting of 1 part garden soil, peat - 1 part leaflet -2 parts and sand - 1 part. Is kept at 16-18 degrees. According to increase transplant into larger containers. Squeeze top parts are good and abundant branching. Older plants are transferred to new soil for 2-3 years, but the upper part of soil to be replaced each spring. Summer can be exported to the balcony. They need plenty of watering and dash, as well as feeding with a solution of well-burnt manure. With such care, especially if they provide the necessary plentiful, but the scattered light, blooming throughout the summer and late autumn. In winter, watering is reduced but not completely dry earth. Then the plants are kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees, but the bright spot. Obtained from winter cuttings stefanotisi zatsaftyavat even in the late summer of that year. The air humidity should be moderate - normal room atmosphere, but spraying from time to time contributes to better development of liana. Although there is glory to difficult growing plant, grow successfully and stefanotisat blooms regularly in many homes.
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stephanotis floribunda garden soil chlorosis insecticides lice |