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Category: Decorative leaf

10 Aug : 15:49

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Cordyline-Xerox.jpg Cordyline_assorted.JPG Cordyline_colour.jpg Cordyline_sp__-_var-pink_integrity_-_desc-leaves_-_from-DC1.jpg Cordyline_terminalis_dsc03651.jpg

cordyline_sanguinea.jpgThis plant, like yucca, usually offered as Dracaena indivisa. However, the difference is in the roots - dratsenite have thin roots oranzhevozhalti and kordilineto - conical thickened roots. In home-linear lines developed as a "tree" with 12 meters height. Xiphoid 1 m long leaves droop and form a bundle of elegant. In a large bowl not blossom.

Home of the plant are Australia and New Zealand. It looks like a shrub or small tree. Kordelineto is a close relative of dratsenata, which are often confused.
High is 35 - 70 cm plant normally is - dratsenata of compact leaves are - beautiful.
The leaves are the color of cherry or green and white, green, pink or yellow, with numerous streaks on them. Rhizome is massive, the roots are white. By dividing the rhizome forming young plants.

Origin: New Zealand.

Mestorastene: Sunny.

Substrate: Optimal soil or clay-humus garden soil.

Irrigation, fertilization: In the period of growth to moderate watering. Avoid drying of the agglomerate. Until August natoryava in 4 weeks.

Other care: None.

Winter: Do not be gathered with a wet tuft. The light at 2-10 ° C. Watering is very little. Frost slivers are removed once dry. Spring launches new plant shoots at the base and becomes mnogostebleno, which gives it an extraordinary decorative appearance. If necessary, transplant in March.

Pests, Diseases: Rare.

Propagation: to transplant every two years during the spring - in the soil, which has ugnili leaves, wood and sand. Add pieces of wood charcoal to prevent decay of roots.
Propagated through cuttings from the root system, which occur in transplanting, or by seeds of the flowers which bloom from January to May. You can also use critical cuttings placed in water, again with pieces of charcoal. After three months, and the roots emerge.

Tips for Design: Beautifully soliterno plant variety is rare "Atropurpureya with bronzovochervenn leaves. It grows slightly less and is more sensitive to cold than the green variety.

Category: Decorative leaf

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