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Category: Perennial herbaceous plants

11 Jul : 14:55

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Herbaceous annual plant Astra or Callistephus chinensis is known more as an asteroid, and daisy. Bush was the form of a pyramid, and branched kolonovidna. Blooms late summer - September and October. The colors are pink, red, white, yellow and purple.
Annual Astry our nation is called asteroid, perhaps because they bloom most abundantly in early September, when it celebrates Nativity of the Virgin and mothers of young children go to church for blessing with these gorgeous bouquets of beautiful, unpretentious, autumn flowers.
In Hungary, they are a symbol of autumn and their name means autumn rose, and the Greek "Astra" is simply "star". Indeed, with its autumn colors they paint and create a feast for the eyes and soul.

Legend has it that she was raised by Michaelmas daisy Dust fell from a star. And if the night quietly in the garden pritaish to these colored beauties, maybe they will hear his whisper, talk with your sister - stars. Beautiful legend is born in Europe, without the participation of astronomers, though the flower has come to us from the East.
Paris astronomer Henri-Alexandre-Gabriel Cassini in his youth studied the science of celestial bodies, and the rest of his life devoted to botany dealing with the family of composite. In 1826 he separated from family Astry (Asteraceae) a new genus Callistephus chinensis, which translated from Greek means "beautiful wreath.

Chinese Astry are about 4000 varieties which Botanists together in 40 groups, 10 types and 3 class. A clan of Astry has about 250 species.
First Astry were slightly different and come to Europe from China 250 years ago. Plant and animal life in China at that time, there are a variety of conflicting information. Only a few Europeans were able to visit this distant country is difficult chuzhdozemtsi admitted in their land.
First who penetrated into this unusual world, priests were - strangers preachers. They not only tried to preach Christianity among the natives, but studied and their habits, history and culture of the country, flora and fauna. It's not been easy and sometimes it is necessary to act in other ways. And so was in 1728 when the French arrived in China Inkarvil monk Nicholas. Unlike others, he had a special assignment by Zhyusie, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens Trianon in Versayl. For half a year Zhyusie Inkarvil taught the basics of botany, taught him to recognize, describe and cultivated plants.

Secret, hiding from the eyes of the officials of the Chinese emperor, Inkarvil exchanged and buy plants and then sent to France. In one of the shipments arrived in Versayl, there were seeds of garden Astra. This aroused the interest of the flower French gardeners, are especially interested in his company owners Vilmoreni flowers. Very soon appeared first Michaelmas daisy varieties and have begun to be called a flower garden. Flowers grown from seeds arriving from China, had large flowers, bright colors, with yellow stamens. At first glance resembled a margarita or plain colors Bozhura, or chrysanthemum. Florists in France they were called "queen of daisies. And not mistaken, Michaelmas daisy is because of the numerous family of composite.

In France in 1752 by Astry were moved to England and gradually throughout Europe. At the end of XVIII century it was already cultivated varieties with white, purple, red, purple, pink, blue and purple dyes. Become particularly popular Astra, when the florist Truffaut distributed in France with a wonderful variety bozhurovidno inflorescence and various colors. Later in Germany is organized large center selection, which creates many beautiful varieties that are grown today throughout the world. In the U.S. interest Astry occurs in the late nineteenth early twentieth century in Russia in the 30-ies of XX century in our country in the Institute of flowers in it in recent years have created three new varieties Astry: Blaga, Hope and Sabina .
Astra is a symbol
Astra is a symbol of love and grace. The poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods are decorated with Astra.
In China, Michaelmas daisy means beauty, charm, modesty, humility and elegance. For the ancient Greeks it was the symbol of love and they dedicated it to Aphrodite. Therefore, Michaelmas daisy was a common amulet.
Most valuable in the East thought Michaelmas daisy with purple-violet flowers. Centuries in Korea, China, Japan, with the roots, stems, leaves and inflorescences of Michaelmas daisy treated bronchitis, tracheitis, tuberculosis, abscesses and gangrene of the lungs, diseases of the kidneys and liver. Teaspoon dried or fresh leaves adding color to fruit and vegetable salads

Tibetan Medicine offers one of the most effective ways to treat postpartum haemorrhage with fresh or dried blossoms of purple Astra. Flooded them with water and honey and gave the woman to drink when starting the pains of labor, to pass easily and without birth complications.

In Japan, when one of the spouses "wax cold", adding his food leaves of violet purple Astra, make wine, drinks and tea infusions.

In Korea, delicate female fingers makes a special drink from purple Astra, in which adding fiery nasturtium flowers and leaves of wormwood. Small cup of chilled drink that night filled with tenderness, warmth and love. Even a bouquet of purple and violet Astry will bring warmth into your home and rest.

Astra man, born from 12 to 22 September looks like a star in the night, dispels the darkness with his calm and cheerful nature. But this is not a carefree joy, a fully conscious behavior as Astry only know how to behave. And so it is impossible not to love them.
How to grow Astry
Watering at Michaelmas daisy should be plenty, but so as not podgizva soil. In summer, however, need not always be the earth moist. Spring is better to be replanted in new soil rich in humus and binding in slightly larger pot. During the summer months fuel 3 times in two weeks. Crop plants are often old, to grow new shoots.
They prefer sunny areas with moderate humidity and protected from the wind. In winter, it is necessary to keep the pot at a cool place until the summer is no problem even if you spend in the garden or terrace. In colder months the temperature of the room, careful not to fall below 11.12 degrees. It is dangerous and downstream.
Propagated through seeds. The best soil for seeds of Michaelmas daisy is slightly enriched and humus. On sandy or clay soils Astry also be grasped, but their colors are not as decoration. Planting should be done March-April and pokalva for 7-21 days.

Astry to say that ...
When God created the world, the stars of heaven were multicolored. And the land had grown only fern, horsetail and grasses. No flowers yet. Boring was on the ground. And here again, naughty wind decided to steal the flowers from the sky. Blew in one night as the forces and had all the stars fell from heaven on earth. Where they were on a nighttime diaper, leaving only holes. And through these holes penetrated night daylight. And in the morning when the sun rose, blooming in all the land of flowers, small stars.

Two daoski monk decided to climb the highest mountain to see the stars closely. They went on long thorny forest. Sneak through the prickly juniper branches. Climbing a mountain in subtle tracks. Ice under the snow glaciers. Until you reach the top of the highest mountains of Altai. But having reached the summit, they saw that the stars were still so high in the sky and become even a little closer. Their path was long ago. The monks left without food and water izpodrali blood to his body, clothes maul them. Almost without forces they are descended from the mountain and came to a beautiful meadow where the pure brook gurgle and growing beautiful flowers. "Look - one of the monks say - we have come such a long time to see the beauty of the stars of heaven, but it appears that they live here on earth." They dug a few plants and carried them to the monastery. They called them Astra.

Category: Perennial herbaceous plants

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