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Hypocyrta glabra

Category: Decorative flowering

13 Dec : 21:25

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1.jpg Hypocyrta_glabra1.jpg Hypocyrta_glabra2.jpg Hypocyrta_glabra3.jpg Hypocyrta_glabra4.jpg

hypocyrta_glabra.jpgHipotsirtata (Hypocirta) originates from the tropical forests of Costa Rica and Brazil. Grows on the branches of trees where its long by 30-40 cm flexible stems, tightly covered with dark green leaves, descend as fabulous bouquets.

Called "kissing lips" because of the shape of its blooms, hipotsirtata a creeper with thick, glossy leaves. The plant is a perennial and tsavti for four months. Blooms sit separately and are shaped like bulging lips. Are colored in yellow and red.

They do not diverge, but even so are dense and numerous. Abundant flowers of this representative of the family Gesnerievi resemble miniature goldfish. They are orange-yellow, short stems and leaf out of the recesses singly or in buketcheta 2-3. This is from early spring until early September.
At home grown as ampelno evergreen plant whose succulent leaves shiny do not lose their decorative all year round. To develop better and to bloom regularly hipotsirtata must dwell corner light scattered sunshine. In deep shade the flower will be linear, and direct sun will slachi of burnt leaves.

Room temperature should not drop below 12 degrees, and its high values would not reflect badly. Humidity should be high, which is achieved by regularly pulverization or the placing of the pot with a wide substrate vessel filled with water or damp moss. Hipotsirtata withstand without replanting two years, but during that time should be nurtured regularly every two weeks. Of course, you need to monitor the situation and if the soil is waterlogged to be replanted immediately, not to rotten roots. After transplanting is overblown or out of the rest period.

Soil should be light and permeable, as a mixture of leaflet, peat, well ugnil manure and sand in the ratio 2:1:1:1 with the addition of bark and bits of charcoal. Watering during the summer must be regularly but moderately. The increase in soil moisture, especially at lower temperature, is detrimental. In winter, watering is not as dry. Because flowers are formed only on young twigs, hipotsirtata should be regularly podstrigva.

Propagation is by cuttings of the stems. Immerse them in water and then push through as small roots, planted them in a slightly acidic soil humus.

Hipotsirta your regular pruning, to make it more beautiful and kichesta.

Category: Decorative flowering

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