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Begonia Boweri

Category: Decorative leaf

11 Jul : 15:27

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tigbegonia.jpgThe genus was named governor of Fr. Haiti - M. begonia (1638-1710) and comprises more than 1000 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, shrubs niskorasli poluhrastovidni and naturally distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of America, Southeast Asia, Africa, the island of Madagascar and the others. Inhabits moist, shaded places on the old trees and roots and in crevices of rocks. Begonia first presented in England in 1777. Be grown for its ornamental foliage and beautiful flowers. In our country are only a dozen popular varieties. It is among the most preferred indoor plants for its rich colors of the leaves and because the relatively rapid increase. In principle it is not capricious growing, but has several features which must be strictly adhered to.
Bauer of begonia is characterized by compactness, and therefore is suitable for planting of large areas not under the balcony gardening, and creating tiny group compositions.

The plant reaches about 15-25 cm tall and has small, evenly spaced colors. The leaves are heart-with a length of 8 cm and edging of brown flecks and fibers in the end.

Their colors will be saved only when high humidity and away from direct sunlight. In nature dekorativnolistnite most begonias grow moist shady places. In the Andes and the Himalayas are found even at a height of 4000 meters. Begonias have a heart, asymmetrical configuration of listata.Listata most types of hair are - kososartsevidni, or kosoovalni kosolentovidni. Their stems and stalks are thick and fleshy. When watering the begonias should avoid getting stuck as the water in the substrate and dry it. During the period of rest from late autumn to mid spring irrigations between the superficial layer of the soil must zasahva to 1 cm depth. Many species of begonias dekorativnolistni can bloom at any time of year, sometimes even the colors are great and original, but it is thought that they were not particularly beautiful and are lost against the backdrop of colorful leaves. Therefore, the true lovers bud break even in their appearance. Some species grow high and the bottom of their stems are stripped. To save their ornamental value, break the long stems, leaving 1.2 dormant buds. The leaves of the royal begonia whether you are meeting an incredible variety of colors. But you reach them direct sunlight, colors will fade. White flowers completely lost against the backdrop of colorful leaves of begonia tiger. So it is better to rip them for not exhausted the plant. The leaves of begonia mazoniana like they were painted grand crosses, but these are like the Olympic seashells.
Suitable for cultivation temperature is 13 - 20 degrees.

Begonia of Bauer needs moderate light (avoid direct sun) and moderate humidity, the leaves should not be sprayed. Watering is also a moderate, to prevent dry soil, nourishment is in spring and summer - 2-4 times a week.
Soil - a mixture of leaflet chimovka, burnt dung and sand in the ratio 1:2:1:0,5.
For beautiful shaping bushes, branches should be cut.
To get a new begonia, will be a well-developed enough sheet. Take it with a piece of stem of the plant with a sharp knife and cut all the main streaks just above the place where they are split. Place the leaves on the soil surface and stem parts of the dice. Press the top of the points of cuts with small pebbles. Then cover the pot with glass and maintain uniform moisture and temperature around 25 degrees. Water with warm water remained at the end of the pot and be careful not to wet the leaf. After a few weeks will appear the first tender leaves. It remains to them and spend them to nurseries. Begonias have same-sex as female flowers are simple and have the stigma, while men are big, rich and fleecy and have stamens. Both types and colors found in a cluster.

In the world of indoor plants can be found at other masterpieces, including a shockingly beautiful leaves. Example chervenolistnata begonia and first of the royal (Begonia rex) can be enjoyed throughout the year. Its blooms are small and nondescript, because usually they are removed. Then the leaves become more and more expressive. Depending on the variety, and they were really leaves can be smooth and shiny or matt and bristly. At the same time they ukraskata is predominantly dark green to reddish brown. But their shape and size are more varied. All begonias love warm, preovlazhnyavane not tolerate the soil and direct sunlight. Once the plant starts to lose its beautiful form and grow much, can be easily updated. Suffice it to break off a twig and for region. In some species this is done each year and the other - in two or three.

Category: Decorative leaf

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