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Orchid species

Category: Specialist advice

21 Jun : 14:39

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orhideq.jpgA family of extraordinary variety - in forms, colors and sizes, distribution and way of life. The exquisite beauty has millions of pilgrims for them to write books, journals, to do exhibitions, auctions expeditions. They befriend people from around the world. Botanists estimated number of orchid species around 25-30 thousand (with a similar number in the plant world are the only composite). Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Order Orchidales there to 750 genera and practically cosmopolitan - from the tundra of Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, from coastal area to the snow line, and two Australian species are fully adapted to an underground lifestyle.

A family of extraordinary variety - in forms, colors and sizes, distribution and way of life. The exquisite beauty has millions of pilgrims for them to write books, journals, to do exhibitions, auctions expeditions. They befriend people from around the world.

Botanists estimated number of orchid species around 25-30 thousand (with a similar number in the plant world are the only composite). Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Order Orchidales there to 750 genera and practically cosmopolitan - from the tundra of Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, from coastal area to the snow line, and two Australian species are fully adapted to an underground lifestyle.

In temperate latitudes the species of the family are of modest size and tiny, not very noticeable color and only the careful observer can assess the beauty of orchis (Orchis) or Pchelitsa orchid (Ophrys).
Over 90% of species diversity is concentrated in tropical regions. The majority of orchids are here Epiphyte - ie plants that grow attached to the trunks and branches of trees and shrubs. This lifestyle has led to a number of devices: numerous, very small.
light seeds that are spread by wind, fleshy stems or leaves, which helps to overcome periods of drought, roots gabchest coated with a layer of dead cells (velamen) and others.

Typical is the device of colors. Orchid plants and are Monocotyledon okolotsvetni have six pieces of paper in two rounds. The three external (chashelistcheta) are similar in shape, while one of the three inner (petals) strongly differs in form and function than others. It usually takes part in pollination - mostly by landing on oprashitelya and is called the lip (labelum).

Most orchids have one stamen fruit only in five stamens are two genera, and in one - three. Staminal handle connate with stalk of pistil into a single structure called the column. Pollen was separated into compact masses called Polinel. Structure of the column and Polinel underlie the division of the subfamily and genus.

In tropical areas, is widely cultivated vanilla, dried unripe fruit of the pax obtained aromatic substance. From antiquity to our days as a medical drug use is the dried tubers of orchis. The main value of the orchid are their decorative qualities. With their mass rearing hundreds of companies involved. Exotic flowers are profitable export item to Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, man has created tens of thousands of new hybrids - both for bouquets or for growing pot, and the last wave is aimed at creating ROOM suitable for growing small plants with large, long retain colors.

The album will tell about several specific types of orchids like to be kept in the collection of the Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences near Sofia.

Rod Sypripedium

About 40 species of orchids dvutichinkovi pantofkopodobna lip. Are distributed in temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Above ground stems die each year.
Surripedium calceolus - Lady pantofche. Perennial herb with creeping underground rhizome. The stem is 25-50 cm with high three-four elliptical leaves. Colors are top, single or two, large. Okolotsvetnite leaflets are reddish-brown color and linear lantsetni. The lip is large, broadly rounded, yellow with red spots, often with red
stripped-species is widespread in temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia.
In our country, is located in the south field - in reserve "red rocks" near Bachkovo monastery. Little is known of the group in 1898. This is the big European orchid protected in Europe (Switzerland) yet at the end of last century. Now nature is guarded in all countries where the meeting. It is included in the World Red Book.

Rod Raphiopedilum

Around 200 species of orchids dvutichinkovi distributed from China to South-East New Guinea. The leaves are collected in a few years living prikorenova jack.
Rarhiopedilum delenatii - one of the most remarkable species described in 1922 from North Vietnam. Ground-handling plant. Its leaves are oblong, oval, leather, dark green with light spots. From the center of the leaf rosette go 15-20 cm high flowering stem, which ends with two consecutive developing colors. Flowers are 6.8 cm in diameter, white. with changing intensity incarnation. A flag is ovoid, sharp, and the two side petals - a wide oval. The lip is broadly rounded. On the upper surface of the column (in the center of the color) has yellow and red spots that target insect pollinators. Colorful leaves, pure color and proportionality of color, delicate citrus flavor are signs for which the type widely used in hybridisation programs.

Rod Soelogyne

One of the characteristic genera of Southeast Asia, numbering according to different authors from 140 to 200 species.
Soelogyne cristata - grebenesta tselogina. Epifitno epilitno rhizome or plant. Each stem has a strong penultimate zadebeleno mezhduvazlie - psevdobulba with two linear lantsetni leaves. Mezhduvazliyata egg-shaped oval in psevdobulba are strongly shortened and covered by thick leather scales in the breasts which develop one or two pending (with colors 2.5) clusters. Flowers are large (6-9 cm), remarkably fine. Okolotsvetnite leaflets were snow-white. lantsetni elongated, with very wavy edge. The lip is three-part, white, five-crested, brilliant yellow plates.
The species is widespread in the eastern Himalayas from 1500 to 2500 meters altitude. height. Forming larger groups, profuse flowering during the dry season. It was discovered in the vicinity of the Valley of Kathmandu in 1819. One of the most easygoing, ROOM suitable for growing orchids.

Rod Thunia

Comprises six species from Southeast Asia, close to the descriptions.
Thunia marshalliana - Tooney of Marshall. Humus epiphyte, wholesale plant (up to 1 m) with standing on top slightly curved stalks. The leaves are numerous, monkey, the entire length of the stem, linear lantsetni, pointed, pale green, with grayish wax coating. Inflorescence is a peak and 4.8 consists of large flowers. Okolotsvetnite lantsetni leaflets are linear, pointed, slightly wavy edge, pure white. The lip is prodalgovatoyaytsevidna, infundibular wrapped, deep yellow, covered with densely arranged cirrus cloth.
Home of this kind is Burma, where it occurs in the low areas with pronounced dry season. While growing in culture requires a rich humus soil in the modeling of prolonged dry period.

Genus Dendrobium

This is the second volume genus in the family (over 1000 species). Spread is huge territory of the southern islands of Japan to Tasmania from Western India to the islands east of Samoa.
Dendrobium nobile - noble dendrobium.
Epifitna orchid with straight or curved, 50-100 centimeters long, fleshy stalks. The leaves are numerous, lantsetni broad, blunt, well developed, covering the stems vaginas. The stems grow for 4-6 months during the wet season. After about a year and the leaves fall off during the dry season in the nodes of the stem develop two-colored petals. Flowers are large - 7-9 centimeters. Okolotsvetnite leaflets are oblong elliptic, with slightly wavy edges, with rose-purple, gradually fade towards the center of the color tint. The lip is broad, incorrect funievidna, velvety fiber in the middle with a large dark purple stain.
Naturally occurring in the world polulistopadni forests in Himalayas, southern China, Burma, Thailand. Extremely popular cultural form, with numerous variations.
Dendrobium bigibbum - epifitna medium large orchid.
Stems up to 40 centimeters tall, fleshy, with the top 4.7 lantsetni linear, pointed leaves Leatherback. Inflorescences are lateral, from the breasts of the leaves, flowers with 2.12. A stem formed clusters 2.4 year in a row and adults, abundant flowering specimen is very decorative. The colors are size 5 and 7 centimeters deep purple. Petals are broadly rounded, tapered-chashchelistchetata. The lip is three-part, faced with adverse interests, in the middle of tamnopurpurni stripped. Spur is dvuvarha, hence species epithet.
Naturally distributed in northeastern Australia and nearby islands. Kvisland state emblem. Very close to the islands of Dendrobium phalaenopsis Tanimbar. These two species are at the root of many cultivated varieties, especially popular in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Rod Sobralia

About 60 species of terrestrial orchids of the New World tropics. Have high nezadebeleni resembling cereal stems and large flowers.
Sobralia macrantha - large-flowered sobraliya. The stems reach 2 meters. Lantsetni leaves are long tapered the entire length of the stem. Inflorescences are top, with 2-3 colors consistently growing, form of large (up to 20 cm) pink and purple colors strongly reminiscent of katleya. The color stays fresh only 3-4 days. Loving is not supported transport type and therefore does not occur in culture, except in botanical gardens. Naturally distributed in Mexico and Guatemala, in moist shady places, from 2000 to 3500 m altitude. height.

Genus Cattleya

Unquestioned queen of the orchid, a symbol of tenderness, beauty, aristocracy. Home of about 60 species and many varieties of tropical America is.
Cattleya persivaliana - katleya of Percival. The stems are up to 25 cm tall, fleshy, flattened, ednolistni. Lower horizontal parts of the stems formed rhizome, which develop long shnurovidni roots. Cluster peak is usually two colored. Colors have a diameter of 11-14 cm and are pinkish-purple. The three external pads are okolotsvetni lantsetni, both internal - rhombic ovate, slightly wavy. The lip was tucked trabesto extended in front, very wavy, purple at the edges and in the middle - purple.
One of the most beautiful species of the genus, distributed in Venezuela from 800 to 1300 meters altitude. height. Grows on trunks of dyrvetata or rocks.
Cattleya bowringiana - katleya of Bouring.
The stems are high by 30 cm thick, expanding at the top. Each stem ends with two elongated lantsetni leather sheets, between which develops top inflorescence bearing 5-15 colors. Colors have a diameter of 8-10 cm and are pinkish-purple. The lip is purple with yarkzhalta central part. Comes from Guatemala and Honduras, where he met from 1000 to 1700 m altitude. height and flowering in autumn.

Rod Jumellea

A small family - about 40 species from the original group of Angrekoidnite. They reached their zenith of Malagashkite Maskarenetite and island groups. As for the form, and mostly for white coloration of color often called "the stars of the islands.
Jumellea sagittata - yumeleya lancet. This is the orchid, the stem with a strong skyseni mezhduvazliya increased lifetime of the plant. Once a year, forming numerous large-flowered inflorescences with white, large flowers 3,5-4 cm. Home of this kind is Madagascar, where he dwells diluted shrubland of oklo 900-1200 m altitude. height in rocky areas with pronounced dry season.

Category: Specialist advice

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