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Category: Bulbs and tubers

11 Jul : 16:37

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2793164912_fd56d9c0e0_b.jpg Hipp_vittatum2.jpg Picture_017.jpg PinkRainlillies.jpg starr_021019_0004_zephyranthes_citrina.jpg Z070603_1242.jpg Zephyranthes_rosea.jpg

Belongs to sem.Kokichevi (Amaryllidaceae). Native to South America. Exactly like its colors such as crocus - white, yellow or red.

Forms tufts. It is suitable for flowerbeds and cultivation in sandacheta.

Is easy to plant breeding. He loves the light, so choose the best home - sunny window, and most - warm room, away from draft. Optimal room temperature is 15 - 20 degrees.

Clamps of bulbs that are planted in early spring. In the beginning do not need much watering. Fertilizing is best done - early May. Typically, the plant blooms from July to October. After pretsafti, irrigation should be minimized in order to prepare for winter bulb. You can save it in a cool, protected place, at 5 - 6 degrees.

It is suitable for flowerbeds and cultivation in sandacheta.

Category: Bulbs and tubers

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