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Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

12 Sep : 13:11

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neoregelia9.jpgFamily (genus): Pineapple - Bromelii (Bromeliaceae)

Crowded families Bromelievi has many hot fans. For those who wish to enrich their collection neoregeliyata (neoregelia) e find.

The genus comes from marshy tropical forests of Brazil and includes about 60 species, all with great ornamental qualities. Most species are modest and are easily adapted to dry air in homes.

The genus was described in 1846 and was named director of the Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg reggae F. L. (1815 - 1892).
More than 40 species are grown as indoor plants in greenhouses. Neoregeliyata leaves form a dense rosette.

Particularly beautiful is neoregeliya Carolina (neoregelia carolinae) - epifitno plant with beautiful leaves, which reach a length of 40 centimeters. Their width is about 5 cm and the ends are framed by a light yellow stripe. The center of the rosette karmineno is colored in red and the blooms are light blue.

Some of the leaves have white stripes, while others are blood red tips. Tsavti only in summer with purple flowers wrapped in the leaf rosette. Rosette leaves are red with a bluish tint.

Pour in a rosette remained at room temperature. Spring and summer in jack should always have water that is changed once a month. If the winter temperature is less than 17o, better to be watered into the soil and not to leave water in the jack. Then the soil must be dry before next watering.

Tsavti only in summer with purple flowers wrapped in the leaf rosette. Rosette leaves are red with blue ottenak.Tryabva to know that the red color of medium-sized leaves appearing just before flowering.

Although prefer sun exposure, many of them grow well in polusyanka. Neoregeliite grow strongly in width, thus occupy much space and it is best to be kept in a separate stand near the window.

In the summer neoregeliite feel good at 22-25 degrees and in winter at about 16-20, and can not tolerate lower than 13 degrees.

Like all bromelievi, neoregeliite be sprinkled directly into the leaf rosette. Water should be stayed at least 24 hours and have room temperature. In spring and summer jack must always be filled with water, which make up at least once a month with fresh. If winter temperatures in the room is below 17 degrees, it is better to be watered into the soil no more frequently than once every ten days and in the rosette does not hold water. From May to August in the water for watering once a month to dissolve the special fertilizer for bromelievi.

Well is dry air.

Fertilizing: From May to August - once a month in winter - 6 weeks. Tors with fertilizers, particularly for bromelii or fertilizer for indoor flowers, but the maximum dose was twice as small. By fertilizing the reconstituted solution can fly in jack, but can also be sprayed plant.

Transplant are in need - in early spring. Root system is underdeveloped, so replanting is required rarely.
Soil should be loose, good to pass moisture and air, slightly acidic - a pH of 5. Mix: leaflet, peat, sand, add sfagnum and charcoal pieces.
Good drainage - 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 the height of the pot.

- New rosettes that appear after the plant pretsafti. Withdraw when formed their own roots.
- Seeds - sow in a leaflet and a mixture of sand (1: 1).

Fungal infections that lead to rotting of the lower part of the plant and it dies. Preuvlazhnyavaneto creates a good environment for this infection.

- Bromelievi Scale insects - on both sides of leaves. Damaged leaves turn yellow and die.
- Pamukliyki - the plant stops its growth, the leaves gleamed yellow and die. Their presence is a prerequisite for fungal diseases.
- Mites - on both sides of leaves. In damaged leaves appear cobwebs, leaves turn yellow and die.
- Aphids - on top of the list. Damaged leaves turn yellow and die.

When required treatment with preparations of the plant against pests should be careful preparation can not remain in jack.

Neoregelia carolinae - epifitno plant. The leaves are long 40 - 60 cm, wide 2,5 - 3.5 centimeters and the number is around 20. They form large, dense, rosette kladenchovidna to 40 - 50 cm in diameter. The leaves are bright green, glossy, ezikovidni with zaosreni peaks and dense spikes at the edges. Before blossoming of inner rosette leaves are bright red. Inflorescence is simple, colorful, located deep in the center of the rosette. Pritsvetnite leaves are broad-oval, pointed or rounded with short sharp peaks, whitish. Bracts are oblong, with sharp or rounded peaks, white, covered with scales or naked. Colors are 4 centimeters long, with handles. Chashelistchetata green, rounded, with sharp peaks, slightly srastnati, naked, long 2,4 - 2.8 cm petals are pointed, more than half srastnati, pale purple. The plant blooms May - July. Native to Brazil. Appears to heights of 1200 meters above sea level in wet forests.
Cultivar was first known in 1856 are forms with white, pink and green stripes along the leaves.

Neoregelia marmorata - terrestrial plant with thick, broad, kladenchovidna jack. The leaves are long 20 - 60 cm wide 8 cm ezikovidni, elongated to the top, with sharp peaks, covered with pale-colored scales. The ends have studs long by 1 mm. The leaves are green with purple spots. Inflorescence is simple, colorful, located deep in the center of the rosette. Pritsvetnite leaves are broad-oval, pointed or rounded with short sharp peaks, green, covered with scales. Bracts are linear, with small sharp peak, with a length equal to half the length of chashelistchetata. Colors are 3.5 centimeters long, with handles. Chashelistchetata are long 1.9 - 2.4 centimeters, slightly srastnati, irregularly shaped, lantsetni, green, with rare pale-colored scales. Petals are pointed, white and white-pink, 2.4 cm long plant blooms June.
Cultivated for the first time in 1939 native to Brazil. Occurs in coastal areas near the ocean, outdoors or in low woods.

Neoregelia tristis - epifitno plant forming a close rosette of 10 - 12 sheets. The leaves are long 20 - 60 cm, wide 2 - 3 cm ezikovidni, rounded on top with very short spiky top, the edges wide-toothed, green, naked to the top, down with wide dark stripes and small pale-colored scales. Inflorescence is simple, colorful, located deep in the center of the rosette. Pritsvetnite leaves are purple-brown, broad-oval, with sharp peaks tselokrayni. Bracts are dark purple, elongated, with sharp peaks tselokrayni, length exceeding half the length of chashelistchetata. Colors are 3 centimeters long, with handles. Chashelistchetata are highly asymmetric, tapered, basically srastnati, naked, 1.6 cm long petals are narrow, pointed, short-srastnati, gray-blue on top. Stamens are srastnati with petals. The plant blooms August.
Cultivated for the first time in 1935 native to Brazil. Meeting at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

Neoregelia spectabilis - epifitno plant with large, tubular rosette. The leaves are long 40 - 45 cm ezikovidni, strongly curved, down greenish-red with streaks of greyish flakes with shipovati ends up with the bright green spot of raspberry top. Cluster is located deep in the center of the rosette. Pritsvetnite leaves are broad-oval, red or reddish. Bracts are elliptical, with a sharp peak on top covered with thick brownish-arched scales almost equal in length chashelistchetata. The colors are long 4 - 4.5 centimeters, with handles. Chashelistchetata are long 1,8 - 2.3 centimeters, highly asymmetric, oval, with large, almost circular wings of the long curved plate with red-brown hairs on top, slightly srastnati the base. Petals are Duty 2 - 3 cm, light gray-blue, ezikovidni with a sharp point, curved. The plant blooms January - February and June - July.
Cultivated for the first time in 1873 native to Brazil.

Neoregelia pauciflora - epifitno plant with narrow kladenchovidna rosette of 12 leaves. The leaves are about 15 cm long, 3.5 centimeters wide, broad-ezikovidni, rounded on top with a sharp peak at the ends with long spikes to 1 mm, covered with rare small flakes on top with white stripes winds. Flowering is very short. Inflorescence is a spindly, nemnogotsvetno less than 2 cm in diameter. Bracts are oval, pointed. Chashelistchetata are 2 centimeters long, irregularly shaped, narrow lantsetni, with sharp tips at the base slightly srastnati. Petals are 5 centimeters long, white. The plant blooms July.
Cultivated for the first time in 1939 native to Brazil. Grows at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level.

Neoregelia sarmentose - terrestrial plant with dense, narrow and subsidiaries kladenchovidna rosette rosettes of elongated branches. The leaves are long 25 - 35 cm, wide 2,5 - 3.2 centimeters, ezikovidni the top rounded, with sharp tips, the edges slightly toothed, green, red spots on the tips of dark underside, covered with small pale colored scales. Inflorescences are multicolored. Pritsvetnite narrow leaves are oval, rounded and tapered at the top, green with purple tinge, with rare brown flakes tselokrayni at length almost equal to chashelistchetata. Bracts are extended-rounded, with small sharp-tipped, or almost tselokrayni tselokrayni, pale-colored, with purple-tipped, covered with scales. The colors are long 2,2 - 2.9 centimeters, with handles. Chashelistchetata are 1.3 centimeters long, asymmetric, broad-pointed or blunt, slightly srastnati at the base, green, naked. Petals are 1.8 centimeters long, with sharp-tipped, partly srastnati, white or light gray-blue. The plant blooms August - September.
Cultivated for the first time in 1934 native to Brazil. It grows on stony sites in moist forests and coastal scrub.

Neoregelia ampullaceal - epifitno plant with thick, bottle-jack. The leaves are smaller than those of preceding species, many are 15 - 20 cm wide by 1.6 centimeters, green with narrow red stripes and small brownish scales, linear, curved, with sharp peaks, a wide-toothed edges. Cluster is located deep in the center of the rosette, nemnogotsvetno. Pritsvetnite leaves are oval or triangular, tselokrayni, closing chashelistchetata. Bracts are elongated, tapered, tselokrayni greater than chashelistchetata. Colors are 2.5 centimeters long, with handles. Chashelistchetata are about 1.5 centimeters long, green, whitish on the edge, close-lantsetni, tapered, slightly srastnati the base. Petals are 2 centimeters long, pointed, in the end light gray-blue on srastnati ¾. Stamens are srastnati with petals. The plant blooms April - August.
Cultivated for the first time in 1885 native to Brazil. Grows at an altitude of 700 - 800 meters above sea level in forests.

Neoregelia Cyanea - epifitno plant with about 20 leaves, forming a dense, narrow, kladenchovidna jack. The leaves are long 20 - 22 cm wide 1 - 2 cm ezikovidni, leather, sharp, color, or broad-tselokrayni serrated bottom with rare white flakes. Cluster is located deep in the center of the rosette, colorful. Pritsvetnite leaves are broadly rounded, with small sharp-tipped, tselokrayni with rare brown scales. Bracts are linear or slightly expanded at tip tapokrayni, thick, almost equal in length with chashelistchetata long 2 cm wide 4 mm. Colors are 2.2 centimeters long, with handles. Chashelistchetata are asymmetric, broad-pointed, without sharp tips, naked, slightly srastnati the base. Petals are 1.7 centimeters long, with sharp-tipped, slightly srastnati, purple or light gray-blue. The plant blooms June - July.
Cultivated for the first time in 1939 native to Brazil. Grows at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level in forests.

Neoregelia tigrina - epifitno plant with thick, almost round jack. The leaves are long 10 - 13 cm wide 1 - 1.3 centimeters, yellow-green with irregular brown transverse stripes and small scales at the base, ezikovidni, ostrokrayni with rounded tops, with small brownish spikes at the edges. Flowering is a thin, 5 cm long inflorescence is simple, from 7 - 12 flowers. Bracts are 2 centimeters long, asymmetric, lopatkovidni, with sharp-tipped, with 3 reels of red heels. Colors are 3.6 centimeters long, with slender stalks. Chashelistchetata are 1.6 centimeters long, green, leather, lantsetni or oval, with sharp tips, are fused at the base, naked, with red spots on top. Petals are about 2.5 centimeters long, srastnati in the bottom tube, white, elongated, pointed tips, pale purple. Stamens shorter than petals. The plant blooms March.
Cultivated for the first time in 1954 native to Brazil. Grows at an altitude of 700 - 1200 m above sea level in forests.

Grow well in strong light, but tolerate shading and light.

Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

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