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Stapelia orbea

Category: Cacti

15 Sep : 14:00

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Stapelia_orbea.jpg Stapelia_orbea1.jpg Stapelia_orbea2.jpg Stapelia_orbea3.jpg Stapelia_orbea4.jpg
stapelia_orbea3.jpgFamily: Asclepiadaceae.
Rodina: Eastern, Southern and South-West Africa.

Roda shipway (Stapelia) includes 75 to 100 species of plants in the family Asclepiadaceae. Rasprostranena in South and South-West Africa, some of the species - in East Africa.

All plants are perennial niskorastyashti sukulenti. Stems are fleshy, 4-wall, often forming new shoots at the base, Rhyniophyta. Colors are usually located at the base of the stalk, rarely at the top, one or several long-flowering, with poor color, downy. Cup is tapered by 5 petals. Crown is round or wide kambankoviden with petals, slashed by half their length, with more or less triangular shape, tapered at the top. Fleshy petals are colored, bristly or naked. Cap is fleshy ring. Outer crown is 5 free to base, rectangular or lantsetni petals, flat or concave shape, the crown of petals around the pistil dip, they may be short, simple or slashed.

Stapeliite are ornamental plants, easy enough for breeding, have very original colors. If you do not take into consideration that the color of a stapeliyata spitsefichen unpleasant smell which attracts flies, it remains a very popular plant for cultivation in indoor conditions.

Stapeliyata of Latin Stapelia (the most popular type - Orbea variegate), is a succulent plant that originated in Eastern and Southern Africa. Europe is still conveyed in the 17 century by missionaries, but its name has acquired the name of Johannes van shipway botany.

Shipway spotted (S. variegata L. (S. hanburyana A. Berg. A. Rust.)). Growing on rocky, sandy mounds, rocky slopes of the mountains, sometimes along the rivers in South Africa. Niskorastyashto, 3.10 cm tall plant. Branches are green, often reddish, with veneers placed under large angle between them. Colors are 1-5, located in the heart of young stems. Venice is 5-8 cm in diameter, flat. Petals are triangular, ovoid, tapered, curved from side vashnata smooth, naked, pale-yellow, inside the yellow, wrinkled, with dark-brown stripes or spots and uneven cross between thin strips (shape and color of the color varies significant). Blooms in summer. Formed after flowering fruit with many seeds, equipped with a feather (as in the dandelion).

Giant shipway (S. gigantea N. E. Tues.). Grows on rocky soils in South Africa. Perennial succulent plants. Stems are strong, standing up to 20 centimeters высоки with 3 cm thick, with strongly developed, pinnate veneers, not jagged and not very densely located. 1-2 colors are long flowering, Venice is a huge, 25-35 cm in diameter, flat, deeply cut; petals are triangular, prolonged pointed, light yellow, with numerous thick hairs with red, slightly curved at the edges and with long white pubescence of hairs. In shipway giant colors have expressed an unpleasant aroma.

Changing shipway (S. mutabilis Jacq.). Synonym: literature appears as S. neglecta Tod., and S. fascata hort. Plant, apparently with a hybrid origin. Stems are up to 15 cm tall, strong, with teeth directed towards the top, naked. Flowers are long flowering. Venice is up to 7 cm in diameter, flat. Petals are triangular-ovate, yellowish-green, with transverse stripes arranged dots, brown with pointed tips, Ciliate in the end.

Large-flowered shipway (S. grandiflora Masson). Synonym: literature appears like S. spectabilis Haw., and S, obscura N. E. Br. Growing on rocky soils of mountain slopes and river valleys of South Africa. Perennial succulent plants, spreading rapidly and forming tufts. Stems are 4-wall, mossy, with rarely located inside of the folded trap. Colors are 1-2, large. Venice is 15-16 cm in diameter, flat, hairy. Petals are lantsetni, folded, the edges Ciliate in the lower part of greenish-blue top and dark purple with gray hairs, the strands, and between them with short dense hairs. Blooms in summer, the colors have a strong smell of rotting meat. Each flower lasts from 3 to 5 days.

In the summer should keep stapeliyata of false shadow, and in wet weather to enjoy the summer rain, but are not harmful and long dry periods. Where a color must be well zasushi ground before flight.

From spring to autumn moderate or high, around 22-26 ° C. In autumn the temperature is lowered to 15 ° C, the plant is preparing for a period of rest. The minimum temperature for winter is 10-15 * C and never expose it to direct sunlight.

Scattered bright, plants tolerate direct sunshine only during autumn and winter. If the plant into a sunny spot in the hottest hours of summer luncheon, may occur burns.

Be watered sparingly and possibly stayed with water. In winter, watering is kept to a minimum. From March to October, plenty in prosahvane the top layer of the substrate.

Because of his African origin stapeliyata loves the warm and dry. However, in Izmail flower should be a cool place.

Fertilizing and feeding:
From April to July in three weeks so fertilizing with slurry predominantly phosphorus content - this increases tsavtezha. To dust once or twice a year and add pieces of charcoal for the thick and succulent leaves and flowers.

Young plants to transplant every year, the elderly - two years.

Change is propagated by cuttings or by side. Please use the soil mixture of 2 parts - 1 part garden soil and 1 part river sand.


- Any activity during flowering can lead to critical consequences, even the loss of the plant, because in this period very difficult.
- It is recommended to be sown in shallow clay pots in the permeable soil and stones on the bottom so that the maximum to avoid retention of moisture in the soil. Water never directly.
- It is necessary to regularly remove the dead parts of the plant.
- There is a likelihood of dead stems become infected and healthy, where he may be losing the plant.
- From the very bright sunshine in the midday hours can occur stains or burns, if the plant is gradually accustomed to such strong lighting after a long and dark winter.
- In prepolivane, especially in winter stems of the plant wilt, fade and decay.
- If inadequate nutrition or poor lighting stalk thin and are reimbursed, the plant does not bloom.

Category: Cacti

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