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Category: Bulbs and tubers

16 Jul : 11:55

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Galanthus_nivalis_2.jpg Galanthus_nivalis_Kleines_Schneegloeckchen_1.jpg Galanthus_nivalis_Kleines_Schneegloeckchen_2.jpg Galanthus_plicatus9.JPG sizedGalanthus__Galatea_2593.jpg

Snowdrop genus includes about 20 species of low Monocotyledon, perennial plants belonging to the known Amaryllidaceae family. The most familiar type is Galanthus nivalis. The underground authority in all representatives of the genus is a small bulb. Kokichetata were distributed mainly in temperate climate zones where there is snow and cold winters. They were the first plants that bloom in spring, even before it was melted snow. Their leaves are tunicates, soft green, with parallel nervatura (zhilkuvane) and do not have a handle.

These plants bloom in the snow-white, small flowers, emit a gentle and pleasant fragrance. Have 6 petals, but only 3 are separate external. Among them are more petals, but are fused. In the middle are stamens and pistil. Are resistant to low temperatures.

Prefers light shade
Reaches a height of 20 to 25 centimeters.
Sadie is a depth of 10 to 12.5 centimeters in September.
After flowering is fed with manure produced by the burning of animal bones.
Kokichetata are suitable for gardens, meadows, forested areas, and pots and sandacheta. Particularly beautiful are when naturalized in a lawn planted with grass or under trees or bushes. They should be planted in groups of at least 25 to look good.

Clamps is often difficult in the garden can take years, if planted in a completely new place, but it is quite possible to form a thick over koloniya.Lukovitsite then can be divided when the leaves wilted and pozhalteyat.

By dividing the bulbs during the period of rest. Planted immediately after the separation of groups of at least 5.

Category: Bulbs and tubers

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