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Category: Cacti

03 Mar : 13:15

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Echeveria.jpg Echeveria1_52605.JPG Echeveria_Afterglow7.JPG Echeveria_agavoides.jpg Echeveria_Agavoides_.JPG Echeveria_lindsayana_2.jpg echeveria_secunda_glauca.JPG P8238017.jpg

echeveria.agavoides..jpgEsheveriite are among the most commonly grown sukulenti, but few know their real name. Most amateurs call them wrong cacti, and many know them as desert roses, or large Studeničani Mara.

The plant is family Crassulaceae. Native to Mexico. There are lots of blooms in the shape of a bell, from 1 to 5 cm in diameter, thick, covered with wax coating or fluff, like the leaves. In color are pale yellow-green to orange-red on the outside brighter. The leaves are fleshy and have a rosette shape.

Size reaches to 30 cm inhabits a variety of plains and mountain heights, where temperatures are often freezing.

The leaves are gray-green, with different shades.
The wax coating, and slight fuzz on the leaves, protect plants from the solar heat and frost. In bright sunshine wax layer thickens, so the leaves become white-gray or bluish-blue tint, but the tips and edges turn red.
For each species has a characteristic in a certain amount of rosette leaves, so even some of them to fall off due to unfavorable conditions in winter, plant them restored during the warm period.

Most have strong esheverii shortened trunk, but found and bushes.

It flowers from March to July.

Likes very much sun. Grows well in summer on the balcony. Room temperature should not drop below 15 degrees.

Propagation: Small lateral heads are separated from the plant and placed directly into soil enriched with manure and some possible premesena sand.

Soil: sandy - humus.

Light: Plant is very svetlolyubivo.

Irrigation: Do not pour directly, but only the soil or water is placed in the substrate. Water should not stagnates because the roots can easily rot. In winter watering sparingly. When the transplant is good to put a little clay and sand soil.

Fertilizing: 2-3 times in spring and summer with soluble organic or mineral fertilizers.

Replanting: Only when the plant must be shed.

- In the heat leaves begin to shrivel, suggesting strongly that the plants need watering.
- During the winter safely withstand low temperatures in the room - below 10 degrees. In the past, called it "Studeničani.
- The home of the length density of stems and leaf rosettes depends on illumination. On the southern and eastern exhibitions stems grow slowly and leaves them to be sited compact. Of Western and especially the northern windows early spring plants withdraw because vegetation starts in low sunshine. Plants do not flourish there until almost all of southern species bloom annually.

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Category: Cacti

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