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Vanilla Planifolia

Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

26 Mar : 07:08

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Vanilla_Planifolia.jpg Vanilla_Planifolia1.jpg Vanilla_Planifolia2.jpg Vanilla_Planifolia3.jpg Vanilla_Planifolia4.jpg Vanilla_Planifolia5.jpg vanilla_planifolia_popup.jpg

vanilla_planifolia_popup.jpgSynonyms: Vanilla Fragrans
Family: Orchids (Orchidaceae)

In nature, vanilla found in Central America and the Caribbean, where he grew up partly by land and partly as epifitno plant. Is a multi winding liana with pale green leaves reaching over 10 meters. Used with air roots attached to the trees. Flowers are funnel shaped, wavy at the edges and their color is light yellow to light green with a diameter of about 10 cm, as a flowering are located 8.10 colors. The colors are very short life, less than day. As color and seed boxes have intense vanilla flavor.

Nowadays, commercial farming in oprashva artificial vanilla is forming long seed boxes, which are sold dried as a condiment. To begin to bear fruit in vanilla needed between 1 and 2 years and a length of about 10-15 meters. All types of orchids, vanilla is the only species that have some nutritional value as used in confectionery and cosmetics.

Mayas and later the Aztecs used vanilla to special flavored drink made from water, cocoa beans and spices: "chacau haa". The drink which is still used in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize is quite often tampering with chili or other spices like pepper or cinnamon. It can be drunk hot or cold, but in any event, the breaks so as to make the foam, which actually is considered the tastiest part. Europe is brought by the Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortez.

This orchid requires a lot of heat. Recommended temperatures: Summer 25-32 C, Winter 20-27 C. Do not let the winter temperature falls below 20 C - this leads to rapid death of the plant. To develop well there must be a difference of 4-5 C between day and night temperature. Preferring high humidity (not less than 70%).

Grows well in soil by tiny bark of conifers and turf, but can be grown well and universal substrates. Require constant moist soil acidic to neutral reaction (pH 6.6-7.5). While growing at home is better to use a humidifier and put the pot to a larger size pad complete with wet keramzit, stones or other inert material. Do not allow soil to dry between watering. Transplant is every 2-3 years. Likes plenty of light but not direct which leaves turning brown. Would feel good on windows with southern exposure. The higher the temperature is increased more than the plant needs water. Well it reflects and shower with hot water (30-40 C). Tors annually for 2-3 weeks with half the recommended concentration of fertilizer specifically for orchids.

Note: from high concentrations of manure, the roots can pocherneyat and dry. In optimal conditions to grow vanilla, three feet per month and growing at home increased by three feet and a half for 6 months. Duplication can be done with seeds or cuttings. An easier way to home with cuttings. Cutting should be about 10-20 cm, after being cut is left to cool and shady place to rest and slightly zavehne for several days and then be planted very shallow and are positioned with high air humidity and scattered light.

Special thanks to HobGoblin for the great article!

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Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

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