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Category: Balcony flowers

10 May : 22:24

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Primula.jpg Primula1.jpg primula_danova_red.JPG Primula_denticulata_Rubra.jpg Primula_elatior_Gold_Lace.JPG primula_vulgaris.jpg Primula_vulgaris17-04-07.jpg sizedPrimula_ellisiae11331.JPG

primula1.jpgPrimroses are popular because of its early growth and surprising diversity. We kept a lot of hybrids. Unknown more than 400 species of primroses in different colors - pink, yellow, blue, red, purple. There are large-flowered varieties of color reaches a diameter of 5 cm

Ancient Scandinavian sagas relate that at the end of a long and cold winter arrived on earth a young and beautiful goddess Freya. She came down from his chariot to which were harnessed two fluffy cats, and unlock the spring. Key serve it one of the first flowers - primroses. Indeed pedicle with colors like gold klyucheta.Po respect our lands harbingers of spring is Baba Marta. Unlike Freya she is old and serious shine with beauty and goodness, but also chose primrose to know that you have gone cold. A bunch of primroses is wad of her headscarf

Primrose (Latin Primula) is a genus comprising about 400-500 species of perennial herbaceous plant family Primulaceae. Have short fibrous roots. The stems are usually upright, but may be missing ones. The leaves are attached at the base of the stem in jack. It flowers from February to May. Petdelni colors are right or up and bent the tip of the inflorescence of the plant, or a single stem in the center of the rosette. The fruit is multiseeded box.

Primroses come from temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. In Bulgaria, are naturally distributed primrose 8 species, 4 of which are protected species. In the wild state are meeting in the forest and pastures in foothill and mountain areas.

For therapeutic purposes using roots that have expectorant and diuretic.

In Iglika unknown species:
Yellow Primrose (Primula officinalis)
Krilatolistna (high) Primrose (Primula elatior)
Healing cowslip (Primula veris)
Aurikula (Primula auricula)
Ambient (chashkova) Primrose (Primula obconica)
Old mountain primroses (Primula frondosa)
Rila (Divine) Primrose (Primula deorum)
Klinolistna primrose (Primula minima)
Powdery primrose (Primula farinosa L.)
Common primrose (Primula vulgaris)
Primula dei Giardini (?)
Primula denticulata
Lilac (Primula malacoides)
Pink primrose (Primula farinosa)
halerova primrose (Primula halleri)
primrose (Primula acaulis)
garden (Primula auricula)
multicolored (Primula heterochroma)
Primula Blossom
Primula Wanda
Primula japonica rosea
Primula sikkimensis
Primula Juliaea


Irrigation: Watering during the summer and spring should be plenty, but in the winter normally moderate. Soil should be constantly moist.

Humidity: If you are installing Iglika premises with dry air is needed to put the pot on the substrate of wet pebbles. This is necessary to combat the red mites. Should not be wet leaves.

Soil mixture: Must be humus. It should be composed of equal parts sand and peat mixture leaflet. We need good drainage.

Light: On Iglika need bright sun light, especially in the morning. In winter it can be seen on sun terrace at 5.10 degrees.

Feeding: primroses are sensitive to the absence of salt. Therefore, you should be very careful nurture. It is desirable to nurture with iron fertilizers.

Propagation: Old tufts can be divided immediately after flowering. Seed multiplication can be done early in the spring. The seeds are sown on a bed of damp peat, placed on a clean layer of soil. Pot should be placed in the refrigerator for about 20-25 days, then transferred to warm. To grow seeds need light and therefore not covered with soil and glass, which is removed immediately after the first show ponitsi. Then small primroses are transferred into individual pots of size 5.7 cm

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Category: Balcony flowers

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