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Category: Perennial herbaceous plants

28 May : 19:58

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Diamond_Dianthus.JPG Dianthus-First-Love1024.jpg Dianthus.jpg Dianthus1.jpg dianthus10_05.jpg Dianthus_amurensis.JPG Dianthus_arenarius_02_h.jpg Dianthus_barbatus__Indian_Carpet_.jpg Dianthus_Bath_s_Pink.JPG Hollis-garden-dianthus2.JPG

dianthus_arenarius_02.h.jpgCarnation (Dianthus) is a genus of plants Karamfilov family (Caryophyllaceae). Are mainly distributed in Europe and Asia, several species occur in North Africa, and one (Dianthus repens) - in the subpolar parts of North America. The type of garden carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) is often grown as an ornamental flower.

Its original natural color with a pink tinge, but later received cultivars of other colors including red, white, yellow and greenish.

Although initially cha name "carnation" is used only for species Dianthus caryophyllus, it is often used for other types of Dianthus, especially for garden hybrids between D. caryophyllus and other species of the genus.

E red carnation is a symbol of sincere love. If you prefer, you have a hard character. But your choice also means that you want to go adventures. Fans of carnations in pastel colors are in need of love.

Be careful with that loves karamfilite.Tya help those who turn to it, but to their own purpose without seeking compromises as buldozer.Zhena, which firmly knows what he wants.

Some species:
Dianthus alpinus
Dianthus amurensis
Dianthus anatolicus
Dianthus arenarius
Dianthus armeria
Dianthus barbatus
Dianthus biflorus
Dianthus brevicaulis
Dianthus callizonus
Dianthus campestris
Dianthus capitatus
Dianthus carthusianorum
Dianthus caryophyllus - Градински карамфил
Dianthus chinensis
Dianthus cruentus
Dianthus deltoides
Dianthus erinaceus
Dianthus freynii
Dianthus fruticosus
Dianthus furcatus
Dianthus gallicus
Dianthus giganteus
Dianthus glacialis
Dianthus gracilis
Dianthus graniticus
Dianthus gratianopolitanus
Dianthus haematocalyx
Dianthus knappii
Dianthus lusitanus
Dianthus microlepsis
Dianthus monspessulanus
Dianthus myrtinervius
Dianthus nardiformis
Dianthus nitidus
Dianthus pavonius
Dianthus petraeus
Dianthus pinifolius
Dianthus plumarius
Dianthus pungens
Dianthus repens
Dianthus scardicus
Dianthus seguieri
Dianthus simulans
Dianthus spiculifolius
Dianthus squarrosus
Dianthus subacaulis
Dianthus superbus
Dianthus sylvestris
Dianthus zonatus

Develop highly branched root system. The colors are simple or decoration, very aromatic, rich colored - pink, red, yellow or white. There are many hybrids and varieties of other colors and colorful. Cloves Shabo is resistant to drought and low temperatures. Prefers light, well-enriched soils. The seeds are sown in stages sandacheta in greenhouses from 20 December to February.

Root system is relatively well-branched, but with a suction zone of greater depth. In the first year plants do not bloom and only form rosettes of pale green leaves densely located.

Flowering stems are formed in the second year and then ramp system is composed of a tuft of stems to make Polegnala base, unbranched, oblisteni the entire height.

Color table is located immediately above the leaf surface and forms a high density and intense color.

Split period is relatively short. The species flowers in June-July.

Perennial herb. Flower garden for an open bed. Suitable for rockeries.

Reproduction: reproduction is done by seeds and rarely by vegetative stem cuttings, which are sown in April-May, open bed.

Pests, Diseases: aphids, mites, rust Karamfilova.

Watering and fertilizing: Moderate watering. To prevent water retention. Natoryava is every 14 days. Other care: Pretsaftelite flowers are cut.

It is recommended that the planting of a permanent place to make the end of June at a height of 10.12 cm new subjects for later planting does not form a sufficient number of branches and the colors of next year decreases.

dianthus caryophyllus   repens   
Category: Perennial herbaceous plants

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dianthus caryophyllus   repens   

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