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Category: Palms

14 Jul : 13:28

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Cycas.jpg Cycas2.jpg Cycas3.jpg Cycas4.jpg Cycas5.jpg Cycas1.jpg

Less need for water, a suitable place - the office.
Description: a very ancient cycad plants. His name in translation from Greek (Kykas) means palm. This is not exactly palm, but very similar in appearance to all palm. Unlike the palm trees, cycad and there is a bisexual male and female plants. Originates from Southeast Asia (Japan and Taiwan) and Australia. It grows very slowly and can live long at home with appropriate care.

Young leaves of cycad are spirally curved, as in ferns. They are quite fragile and delicate, but later become hard and tough.

The purchase must be careful because the plant is expensive and usually stay long in the stores where conditions are not very appropriate or due to ignorance prepolivat him on his needs. Make sure you have not damaged the central leaves, and end not yet begun to turn yellow. Most appropriate to purchase the plants with 3 to 5 developed leaves.


Temperature: Moderate, prefers the winter in cold rooms at 12-16 ° C, minimum 8 ° C.
Summer move to a balcony or garden, being careful not to over and over the first few days shadowing, lest blighted leaves.

Irrigation: watering is plenty of spring to autumn, winter, reduce watering. Water fall in the middle can cause decay. Water should not remain in the substrate of the pot.

Replanting: Should be done very carefully, because the roots are very tender. The young transplant each year. By - the elderly, according to growth and filling of pot. Soil - 2 parts leaflet burnt 1 part manure, 1 part chimovka, 1 part peat 1 part sand and add it to charcoal. At the bottom, place pebbles or broken clay pots.
Fertilizing: 2 weeks during the active period. Winter is not dressed.

Humidity: daily spraying. To grow and looks good, clean sheets every month. If you wash them with water pokriiyte stem.
Location: a warm, light, but protected from the sun site. Appropriate statement is south or southwest.

Propagation: By cuttings. After separation, sprinkle with powder charcoal. Place in a mixture of peat, sand and charcoal. Water moderately.

It is possible for the seed, while heating from below.
In both cases it takes about 2 months.

Tip of the gardener: cycad plant is extremely poisonous for people and animals. Pets are at particular risk. Clinical symptoms develop after ingestion within 12 hours and may include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, seizures, and even liver failure. All parts are toxic to the plant, but most abundant poison contained in the seed.

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Category: Palms

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