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Category: Decorative flowering

22 Jul : 18:46

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1_1_3_5_Aristolochia_moupinensis.JPG aristolochia_baetica.jpg Aristolochia_elegans800.jpg Aristolochia_fimbriata.jpg

aristolochia_pontica1.jpgAristolohiya is exquisite evergreen liana of the family Aristolochiaceae, with homeland Brazil. The plant reaches a height of 3.4 m and has korkovidna wood. Its leaves are large, with about 8 cm in length, shiny dark green above, greyish beneath, a heart, a tapered tip. Aristolohiya exquisite flowers in the second half of the summer with large (long 4.5 cm) single color with very unusual shape and color - with bulging yellow cylindrical tube and plate of heart-perianth. Top plate is decorated in white with red streaks, and the bottom with even purple spots with white reticulated pattern. Sometimes these colors are weak, but there is strong unpleasant miris.Aristolohiyata climbing stems and heart-leaves, whose upper part is dark green and underside - cyan. The plant is only for experienced Florists - very difficult for cultivation.

The colors are very impressive - large and unusual, funievidni in dark purple. And the flavor is weird - on carrion. The plant blooms in summer, but will blossom in a few years. Most often die suddenly.

Aristolohiyata is heat and svetlolyubiva. In the summer requires copious watering and spraying. In winter irrigations reduced. Replanting of rare Presazhdaneto aristolohiya room is done in 3-5 years. Soil should be loose and food, the best-drained, moist but not water stagnates. Adult presazhdane for potted specimens can be used a mixture of foliage, manure, soil and sand in equal parts. Will do a good job and ordinary garden soil with the addition of a little clay soil, sand and perlite. Winding tendrils of aristolohiyata need support. Required shape and size is achieved by pruning after the flowering. Cut autumn shoots can be used for rooting. Cuttings are made with 4.5 cm length of phytohormones use will accelerate their root. In March, is it advisable to take place through the propagation branch. Aristolohiyata moister seeds can be propagated not only vegetative, but also seeds. During the inoculation the seeds are placed in a cloth bag and moister. Held two days of warm and humid place, such as periodically spraying with water. Immediately before planting necessarily be washed with running water. Planted them in February in a light soil substrate (leaflet, loose soil and sand in the ratio 2: 0,5: 0,5) and a mixture of inert material for aeration. The soil surface to the sowing seed is gently sealing the top. Moisten with a crop sprayer and then covered with glass, as prorastva at 25 º C within 1-3 months. Daily glass provetrenie.Nay moves to better grow apple cleft in the winter garden.

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Category: Decorative flowering

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