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Category: Decorative leaf

11 Jul : 14:14

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asparagus2.jpg Asparagus_densiflorus_03_asparagus_fern.jpg asparagus_schoberioides1.jpg asparagus_seeds.JPG

Origin: Eastern, Western and South Africa

All asparagusovi, asparagus flower with small nondescript flowers. They consist of a simple bract with 6 pads, 6 stamens and pistil. Since he has developed several large fruit with seeds. Rhizomes are horizontal, they go up photosynthesizing branches.
When asparagus green leaves are missing. Photosynthesis is carried out by thickened branches located in the breasts of young lyuspovidni leaves. These branches are very small. In some asparagus, for example Aspsragus fatcatus, branches are large and flat.

Rhythm of growth
Asparagusovite grow, subject to a certain rhythm. At the initial stage of growth all organs of future outgrowth appeared in an underground bud. The second stage of growth is increasing the length of shoots, but the new authorities still do not appear on it. If other plants are able to easily tolerate trimming it in asparagusovite if crop, sprouting ceases to grow. Rhizome performs the preparatory stages of growth and only then, not too soon to see results. Etapnost this growth must be considered when caring for plants.

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Category: Decorative leaf

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