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Category: Decorative flowering

20 Sep : 11:43

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095_115417.jpg 4850329353_p.jpg spathiphyllum03.jpg

spathiphyllum.jpgSpatifilumat is already well known in our plant. With its beautiful white flowers, it creates a feeling of harmony, but because of their long life became a favorite of many florist.

Rod Spatifilum (or alias Ednolistnik Peace Lily) includes many species of perennial, flowering, Monocotyledon plants. Is assigned to the largest family Zmiyarnikovi. His homeland is humid, tropical forests in the Americas and Asia.

With svezhozelena foliage. The leaves are long, broad, parallel nervatura (zhilkuvane) and have a smooth periphery, which may be only slightly curled. Plant expressed no period of rest. It flowers from spring to autumn as the winter can stay for short. The colors are white, with a little green tip and have a very pleasant aroma. It consists of three parts - the clubs, cob and stalk. Clubs is part of the white color, single petal. It embraces the reproductive, the most important area - this is the book. It is because of the numerous carpels serrated along its entire length. In their basis appears white pollen of the plant. Clubs and stalk into the book. Colors are usually retained unusually long. Before pretsaftyat filled with chlorophyll, and therefore - turn green. After that just turning brown and falling. Spatifilumat is one of the most popular indoor plants, as many have decorative qualities that distinguish it in some respects, among other familiar flowers, and is one of the most demanding.

According to NASA research spatifiliumat is one of ten indoor plants that reduce the concentration of harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and carbon dioxide from the air.

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Category: Decorative flowering

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