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Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

21 Mar : 14:38

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cymbidium6.jpgFrom tsimbidiuma at room conditions using only a "minuscule" hybrids, because in these wild orchids reached significant proportions. "Miniature" varieties do not actually have small, often reaching up to 1 m in height.

Representatives of this genus are found in India, Burma, Japan, Australia and Asia Yugoztochna.

Tsimbidium hybrid is the main species cultivated indoors. Known are dozens of varieties resulting from the hybridization.

In China, tsimbidiumite are known and honored before the foundation of western tsivilizatsiya.V Chinese history, tsimbidiumat remained a symbol of grace and friendship, famous for its beauty and wonderful aromat.Za Konfutsii even write it, 500g.pr.n.e . He was the first called him in his manuscript "king of spices" - nicknamed by tsimbidiumat which is known today. Still argue whether today resemble the ancient species.

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Category: Orchids and Bromelievi

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