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Category: Bulbs and tubers

11 Jul : 16:43

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2424622151_1d76eaaf82_o.jpg 770606.JPG Garden_Hyacinth_Hyacinthus_orientalis__Purple_Voice__Flower_1644px.JPG hyacint-hyacinthus.jpg hyacinthus3.jpg kwiat1dw1.jpg

Zyumbyulat is known, common, Monocotyledon, proletnotsaftyashto rastenie.Dal is the name of the family in which a member - this is his family name Zyumbyulevi.Latinskoto "Hyacinthus" comes from the name of a character in Greek mythology named Hyacinth - the son of the muse Clio and the king of ancient Macedonia name Pir.Proizhozhda part of the surrounding areas in the Caspian Sea, in areas of Iran and the Arab world Turkmenistan.V most - especially in Persia Zyumyubalt was extremely honored and valued plant that to this day retained its simvolika.Prorokat Mohammed said to him: "If I had only two piece of bread, I sold one to buy hyacinths, to feed my soul." this flower has long been popular in this area of Asia, but only about 3 centuries before Western Europeans have imported it in Europe, where to this day is very popular and growing body of rastenie.Podzemniyat hyacinth bulb is large, which completely smooth earning navan.Prez winter spring, when melt snow cover, along with many others, made this flower pochvata.Te its leaves are green above, with a smooth periphery, slightly fleshy, sessile and have parallel nervatura (zhilkuvane). Subsequently, from their starting center to be made large, flowering stem which is covered with numerous small flowers emit a strong, very nice aromat.Tyahnata structure includes 6 petals, 6 stamens and 1 pistil with superior zavraz.Chashelistcheta lipsvat.Bagrata is extremely raznoobrazna.Mozhe be white, yellow, orange, but -- sinya.Imenno often thanks to its pleasant and sapor Zyumbyulat attracted much variety oprashvachi - bees, moths, flies with an elongated axis or oral apparatus is complete and dr.Sled bloom all above ground parts - leaves and flowers wither and opadat.Zhizneniyat cycle priklyuchil.Semenata plant has been cast and the bulb remains in a period of rest until next season when ponikne.Zyumbyulat again, which is marketed by many species orientalis.Ima Hyacinthus hybrids, which have very large flowers in many diverse gama.Po color - popular varieties like Hyacinthus orientalis 'Delft Blue', blooming in the typical blue hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis orientalis 'WoodStock' in purple, Hyacinthus orientalis 'Jan Bos' in cherry, Hyacinthus orientalis 'City of Haarlem' in soft yellow and many others. dr.Dosta on - are little known species of Hyacinthus litwinowii and Hyacinthus transcaspicus, which very rarely can be seen as decorative representatives.

Among the most attractive types are:
"Anna Marie" - soft pink, "Blue Jacket" - deep blue or purple, "Karnegie" - snow, "City of Harlem" - pale, "Jan Bos" - red with white center, "Lady Darby" - Pink " Lord Balfour "- violet," Maria Christina "- peach.

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