Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) is a graceful flower in summer, coming from Mexico, which is named after its founder - Johan Qin. There are many varieties with different shape and shade of color.
Name of the Bulgarian Ochentse or zinnia.
The huge popularity of zinnia country due to their easy cultivation. They are annuals that grow easily and quickly give colors. In Bulgaria, another summer zinnia called tulip. There are different types, which differ from each other mainly in height and size of its color. There are low plants - up to 20 cm high on average - about 30 - 40 cm, and high - a height of stem to 80 cm diameter flowers are 5 to 15 centimeters and are the most different colored: white, yellow, orange , Scarlet Red, purple, pink. There are garden zinnia, which are called Persian carpet. They usually combine several colors in one color - for example, red and white center or in iridescent pink and red range. Zinnia require sunny, protected from wind and very warm place. Develop healthy, fork stems, reaching up to 60-80 cm Leaves and stems are covered with coarse hairs. The colors are a type of basket
Flowering period is from July to September. To form a powerful and beautiful plants, the soil should be rich and ottsedliva a sunny place. In summer the central flowering stem when pretsafti is prekarshva. This branching and further intensify in the autumn bloom is abundant.
Pretsaftelite inflorescences are removed regularly. How beautiful zinnia, it's so useful. In summer it is visited by bees. For this purpose it is particularly useful in the fall, when the honey vegetation is less