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Category: Decorative leaf

28 Jun : 13:12

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Peperomia.jpg Peperomia1.jpg peperomia11.JPG Peperomia_2629.JPG Peperomia_argyreia01.jpg peperomia_mix_listy.jpg Peperomia_Peteolata_(Peru).jpg Peperomia_sandersii.jpg

peperomia_argyreia01.jpgFamily: Piperova - Piperaceae

Peperomiyata is a beautiful evergreen perennial with decorative leaves, which come from tropical regions of Asia and America. In different height ranges from 15 to 50 cm If you want it to grow, you should know that spring and autumn seasons are suitable for its propagation.

In nature, are distributed over 1000 species peperomii, various in shape of the stalk, shape and type of leaves, color.
They are divided into 3 groups: with an upright stem, creeping and compact.

The leaves are the most varied form, color and pattern, smooth, velvety and wrinkled.

Bloom from late spring to late autumn. The colors resemble mouse tails and tiny flowers are thin on the right stebaltse.

Some moisture-loving species - mekolistnite - can be used in terrariums.

Debelolistnite types are more appropriate for central heated rooms, since they are more insensitive to air dry.

In winter, the plant loses some of its leaves - during this time was not dressed.

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Category: Decorative leaf

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Orchid species

Category: Specialist advice

21 Jun : 14:39

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orhideq.jpgA family of extraordinary variety - in forms, colors and sizes, distribution and way of life. The exquisite beauty has millions of pilgrims for them to write books, journals, to do exhibitions, auctions expeditions. They befriend people from around the world. Botanists estimated number of orchid species around 25-30 thousand (with a similar number in the plant world are the only composite). Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Order Orchidales there to 750 genera and practically cosmopolitan - from the tundra of Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, from coastal area to the snow line, and two Australian species are fully adapted to an underground lifestyle.

A family of extraordinary variety - in forms, colors and sizes, distribution and way of life. The exquisite beauty has millions of pilgrims for them to write books, journals, to do exhibitions, auctions expeditions. They befriend people from around the world.

Botanists estimated number of orchid species around 25-30 thousand (with a similar number in the plant world are the only composite). Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Order Orchidales there to 750 genera and practically cosmopolitan - from the tundra of Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, from coastal area to the snow line, and two Australian species are fully adapted to an underground lifestyle.

In temperate latitudes the species of the family are of modest size and tiny, not very noticeable color and only the careful observer can assess the beauty of orchis (Orchis) or Pchelitsa orchid (Ophrys).
Over 90% of species diversity is concentrated in tropical regions. The majority of orchids are here Epiphyte - ie plants that grow attached to the trunks and branches of trees and shrubs. This lifestyle has led to a number of devices: numerous, very small.
light seeds that are spread by wind, fleshy stems or leaves, which helps to overcome periods of drought, roots gabchest coated with a layer of dead cells (velamen) and others.

Typical is the device of colors. Orchid plants and are Monocotyledon okolotsvetni have six pieces of paper in two rounds. The three external (chashelistcheta) are similar in shape, while one of the three inner (petals) strongly differs in form and function than others. It usually takes part in pollination - mostly by landing on oprashitelya and is called the lip (labelum).

Most orchids have one stamen fruit only in five stamens are two genera, and in one - three. Staminal handle connate with stalk of pistil into a single structure called the column. Pollen was separated into compact masses called Polinel. Structure of the column and Polinel underlie the division of the subfamily and genus.

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Category: Specialist advice

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What is a sponge ......

Category: Specialist advice

21 Jun : 14:24

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amanita_muscariamgw-03.jpgFungi consist of two parts: spawn (gabichina) and the fruit body. Mitselat represent many thin filaments called hyphae that penetrate into the growing medium (substrate). Propagated through spori.Edna fungi form part of a solid with different size cells of fruit above ground, some of which serve as food for humans. In other fungi (elementary) visible form of development is only mitselat. In them the fruit bodies are small, almost invisible to the naked eye nadebeleni endings of hyphae, which are formed on sporoobrazuvashtite authorities. Mitselat these fungi was observed on aging of bread and other food products.

The fruit body of higher fungi consists of a stalk (stump) and cap. The underside of the hat usually develops sporoobrazuvasht layer.
In many species of fungi young fruit corpuscle is wrapped with one or two sheets (marigold).
Shape and color of fruit body construction and location of sporoobrazuvashtiya layer, the availability of one or two sheets and the way they are tearing the main external signs of making classifications and identification of fungi.

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Category: Specialist advice

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