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Category: Decorative flowering
23 Jul : 12:20
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Origin: Central and South America
Afelandrata is a fast growing plant. It is appreciated, and because of the beautiful leaves, but also for colorful blooms. It blooms in autumn, when most rooms are already pretsafteli flowers. Bracts are bright yellow, klasovidni and very durable - almost two months. After the overblown, they must be removed immediately. The leaves are dark green with white streaks and very fragile.
Afelandrata ROOM difficult for cultivation. It needs special attention and care.
Aphelandra sinclairiana - This is one of the best - wonderful perennial shrub of medium height (45 - 50 cm). Maximum height - 3 m.
What makes it so spectacularly plant is a strange combination of colors - coral pink and orange colors of pale pink inflorescence. There tsaftezh.Mozhe long period of calm to develop and flourish in the shade. Any plant collecting nectar attracts birds, butterflies and more. Homeland and Central America (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama).
Aphelandra sinclairiana in difficult farming at home.
Aphelandra squarrosa is tamarisk. Also called "Zebra flower. Homeland and the mountains of Mexico and Brazil
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Category: Perennial herbaceous plants
22 Jul : 19:07
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Easy growing perennial herb. Native to Asia. Is typical for mountainous regions.
It flowers from June to September with numerous flowers in a panicle. There are jagged, dark green, glowing leaves that resemble ferns.
Most - appropriate for the garden hybrids Astilbe - Arendsii. Blooms in white, fiery red, violet. Reaches a height of 120 cm
Kilimestoto astilbe (Astilbe chinensis) extends sideways. Japanese astilbe forming low conical panicle, with a height of 60 cm
Pastrolistnite varieties are only used for indoor plants. Variegata is most popular and goldiana (almost all yellow) - the efektniyat.Podhodyashto plant for shady, neotopleno place in winter. Its leaves begin to fall if you keep dry and warm. If you do not watering often enough in the summer, the edges of the leaves will become brown. Reaches a height of 150 centimeters, but can prevent this if you cut in the spring.
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Perennial herbaceous plants Comments are turned off for this item0
Asteriscus maritimus
Category: Balcony flowers
22 Jul : 18:56
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A handsome perennial plant of the family Compositae / composite /. They call it more "gold coin". Native to the Mediterranean.
It flowers from May to October, with brilliant yellow flowers. The leaves are large, fleshy.
Most - popular type is the "Gold Coyne."
In trade is only cultural form. If you need to translate just a name adopted today, this beautiful perennial plant should be called sand asterisk (asteriscus - asterisk, maritimus - beach). Cultivated wild form is a bit capricious, but that does not relate to the widespread cultural form Australian Gold Coyne. It reaches a height of 25 to 30cm, grows slightly sagging, has large green leaves and is covered entirely with a gradual slanchevozhalti colors, not suspended to flourish, even in bad weather until the first severe frosts.
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